Friday, December 30, 2011

Come and Rest

"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]" Matthew 11:28 (AMP)

      This is my last entry for the year, and as I reflect on the year I see the amazing obstacles overcome as the hand of God has been so evident in my life. However, if there was one thing I wish I would have done more of is.... rest. I spent way too much time striving, and not enough time heeding the invitation by God to come and rest.

      If you think about it, rest is important to God. He rested on the 7th day after undertaking His vast creation project. Jesus continually retreated to places after preaching so that He could pray and rest. Rest is essential for our wholeness and well-being, and Jesus is inviting us to lay down every obstacle at His feet so that He could give us rest. So if there is one thing you I encourage you to do more of in 2012 is...don't strive with thinking about your problems, worries, or concerns. In the end He'll take care of you, the only work you need to do is come to Jesus and find your rest.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Liberal Supply

"And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 (AMP)

       I'm sure that many people out there wonder, "How are we going to make it?" They say this as the sickness sets in, or the finances continue to dwindle, and the skeptics of a real God begin to pose their doubts. It's a sort of hopelessness that grips the very soul and causes doubt to rise.

       Then Paul (a prisoner in a Roman jail) writes something peculiar, changing the very paradigm of human reasoning. In essence, He's saying don't worry because God will supply all you need. Instantly, the bastion of the grace message is born, because Paul doesn't stipulate a condition by which this will happen (if you do this, then this will happen). He states that because of Christ, all of God's supply is available to us. Changing forever the performance based works that people kept building up for others to follow.

        My friends if you understand one thing, understand this... God is for you! He's for your success, your prosperity, and your happiness. He has made all of heaven's resources available to you for your time of need. All you have to do is believe and receive your liberal supply.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Way Ahead

"God thunder's mightily with His voice; He does great things which we cannot comprehend." Job 37:5 (AMP)

     The new year approaches for us and so do thoughts of resolution and change. We so badly want to erase the mistakes of the past year and to step into a new year filled with hope for a better future. Often times however, we make the mistake of making those thoughts just that... thoughts instead of action.

      God however envisions for us a future full of hope (Jeremiah 29:11), He desires for us to prosper as our soul prospers (3 John 1:2), for he has made us above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:11-13). What am I saying? I'm saying that God's plan for us this year go far beyond our comprehension, and that's ok especially when we know it's for our benefit and not our harm.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Can't Even Understand It

"For from of old no one has heard or percieved by ear, nor has the eye seen a God besides you, Who works and shows Himself active on behalf of him who [earnestly] waits for Him." Isaiah 64:4 (AMP)

      When I stop for a moment and think about the goodness of the Lord and what He does for such an unworthy person as I, I can't even understand how its possible for love like that to be lavished upon me. The beauty about God is that He's always responding to those who wait on Him, because it is these people who know the true nature of God.

        These people have been rescued from the worst circumstances and been promoted into a life of prosperity and abundance. These people were once down and out and now are up and thriving. No eye can conceive this, nor can any ear percieve because this goodness simply doesn't exist anywhere else. That's why He's worth waiting on! :)

Friday, December 23, 2011

Terrified Joy

"An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people." Luke 2:9-10

God's timing is impeccable, almost too impeccable for our own human reasoning. Consider the shepherds that night. All resting taking care of their sheep then suddenly...the heavens open up and a brilliant display of lights and angels appear to them that was so awesome it terrifies them.

God's message of hope to us can arrive at the most unexpected times. Even at times where we don't expect but when it comes, God looks to allay our surprise and tells us to rejoice. In this particular instance, these shepherds were possibly the first to be invited to the celebration of a lifetime. Isn't it amazing how God would come near by bringing an unsuspecting group of people (who would otherwise be overlooked and neglected) the news of their lifetime. What a mighty God we serve!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Give or Take

"The thief (Satan) only comes in to steal and kill and destroy. I (Jesus) came that they may have and ejoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full till it overflows)." John 10:10 (Amplified)

      Quite a paradoxical bible verse to say the least, but this verse probably above all other verses shows the divide between God's and Satan's intent for our lives. To give or to take, that is the question.

       Look at this world from a 40,000 foot objective. They are hammering a young professional athlete who gives his resources to the Philippines to help underpriviledged families and children, who gives his praise to God and his teammates, and so on. The world despises him because he doesn't take the praise for himself, nor does he make life about what others could do for him. It makes me feel gross just thinking about it but it's the plain truth for all to see.

        Jesus was quite the same polarizing figure. The religious establishment hated the fact that He was so inclusive and giving in His messages. They hated the fact that He had grace for those caught up in the midst of sin, and condemned those who were all about themselves. In thousands of years the tension of give or take is still very prominent. I pray that we'd learn to receive the goodness and grace of God for us, and learn how to be givers of the same to others.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


"It's impossible to please God apart from faith. And why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him." Hebrews 11:6 (The Message)

Every morning when I wake up to go to work I turn the key to my car and I have faith that it will start. Every morning when I wake up I go to the computer to write my devotional and I have faith that it will turn on. These examples are all demonstrated acts of faith that we really don't think much about. Why? We all have an inherent belief that these things will work because if they didn't then we would go back to whatever store we found it and return it. It's also easy to trust what you can see, but what about what you cannot see?

Jesus said to Thomas after his resurrection, "So, you believe because you've seen with your own eyes. Even better blessings are in store for those who believe without seeing." (John 20:29) Thomas had trusted each day that Jesus would be there with all of them until His death. After Jesus' death Thomas didn't believe accounts by others that Jesus was alive and wanted to see with his own eyes and touch with his own hands. Jesus told his disciples that He would return but the despair brought about by his death wiped away all memory from their minds, because they let external circumstances govern their faith.

2 Corinthians 4:18 says, "The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever." Don't only trust the five senses you were given. Trust the unseen, the eternal. How did you end up with the breath of life? How did we end up on a planet so perfectly suited for us? How do we know the wind blows, or why it blows? I don't really know the answer to these questions but I do know that if God cared enough to make this for us then I can at least take a leap of faith in believing who He is...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Names of God (Jehovah Jireh)

"So Abraham called the name of that place (Yahweh Yireh/Jehovah Jireh) The Lord Will Provide. And it is said to this day, On the mount of the Lord it will be provided." Genesis 22:13 (Amplified)

        Abraham is faced with a crisis of sorts. After living 100 plus years without a son who would inherit his vast possessions, he is now faced with sacrificing this very son, because it is what God had asked him to do. The emotions that Abraham is experiencing are palpable; fear, sadness, and a bit of sorrow. He is in dire straits as he lifts the knife to kill his son.

       Then as he's about to go down to kill his son, an Angel stops him. God sees that Abrahams motives are pure and God provides a ram instead to sacrifice instead of his son. Seeing this provision Abraham rejoices beause this confirms to him what he already knew about the sovereignty of God. This place proved to him above all else that no matter what the external circumstance looks like, God will provide (Jehovah-Jireh).

Friday, December 16, 2011


"And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 (Amplified)

     When I start to feel the pinch of life's circumstances around me I go back to this verse. For it is here where I set my declaration on all day long. I say to myself, "Regardless of what the exterior seems like, God will supply ALL my needs." I think this practice of recitation should be exercised by all, because in time something in the atmosphere breaks, and though it may not seem like right away something is at work it always seems like it is.

      God is into blessing His children in exceeding ways. He's in to blowing your perspective in what you thought you should receive into what you are entitled to receive. Not from your own merits, or works, but through His son who paid the ultimate price so that you could receive the riches of Heaven. Cling to this word, because it is God's purpose to supply all your needs according to His riches!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Plans

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not disaster to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

      I would love for anyone to find in the bible an instance where God does not want to be an active part of our lives. I'd love for anyone to show me that all He intends for us is harm and pain, because it sure does seem like a lot of people live that way. They hold on so tightly to their own lives figuring they have what it takes to make themselves successful and happy, and in the end they end up miserable trying to figure out what went wrong.

      God is intentional about our success. He is For us. There is nothing in His word that is contrary to those phrases. We just need to give Him a chance to work. For even the outcomes that we thought were failures and setbacks He can transform into success and welfare. It's all a matter of how much you will entrust to Him. I can say with absolute certainty that if you give Him all you will prosper. After all, those are the plans He has for you.

Monday, December 12, 2011


"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]" Matthew 11:28 (AMP)

    I learned a valuable lesson yesterday that made me realize that we in life seek after rest but rarely find it. We take vacations, breaks, and do things that take our minds off of our normal circumstances in life, but rarely do we really get rest while we engage in these activities. The question that came to my mind was why?

     Then as easily as I thought about that question this simple answer came to me. "We base our rest on something we can create for ourselves instead of something that we recieve." Jesus' invitation to us is to simply come. There was no sort of condition placed on His invitation, simply a call to come. A welcome change for those who were hard pressed trying to figure things out on their own.

        This same Jesus who was well acquainted with our sorrow and our grief (Isaiah 53:3), says to us "If you come to me with all those burdens I'll grant you the rest and tranquility that your heart deeply desires." You don't have to struggle with the answers to life's most difficult questions because He's promised to take care of you. The question is then why don't we take Him up on this offer?

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Deliverer

" Moses spoke to the people: "Don't be afraid. Stand firm and watch God do his work of salvation for you today. Take a good look at the Egyptians today for you're never going to see them again. God will fight the battle for you." Exodus 14:13-14a (The Message)

I've found that the situation the Israelites faced is really no different than any moment preceding a significant breakthrough. When God is at the precipice of doing something great in us, He does one final check to see where your trust is in the crucible.

He knows the path of deliverance lies in a path you couldn't even imagine (the Red Sea), and He looks for you to maintain your steely resolve in looking at your tormentor in the face, and trust that He will do what He said He will do. All the pain, all the anguish, all the restless nights take a hard look and realize... this enemy you will never see again FOREVER.

I don't know if many people realize this or not, but The Egyptians throughout the bible never again were enemies of the Israelites. In fact, later on they would be allies of the Israeli Kings, and Egypt wound up being a safe house for Jesus when his parents fled the wrath of Herod. God's deliverance is absolute as is His will to bring you through whatever situation you're facing. In the face of adversity don't be afraid. Stand firm and watch God take control of an impossible situation

Thursday, December 8, 2011


"You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it." James 4:2 (NLT)

When you don't have what you need, there is a certain desperation you have to get it. Here in this passage the Apostle James says, "you scheme and kill to get it." Now he may not have been referring to this method in the literal sense for everyone, but in the figurative sense you rely on your own means to get whatever you need whatever the cost. Which is his point.

He points out however, that the overarching reason you don't have what you need or want, is because you don't go after God for it. You don't ask God, because you're too focused on how you can get it on your own. This scathing rebuke and exhortation is mean to propel you towards God in your moment of greatest need. Your conduit for every blessing under heaven is God, so James here is saying why don't you try asking him repeatedly until you get an answer. He's going to respond at the proper time.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


"It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him." Lamentations 3:22-24 (KJV)

Isn't it amazing that with God each morning brings about a clean slate? I know we are all grateful for that because we all need it. Now this is not an occasion to party and take advantage of God's mercy by doing evil because you know He'll forgive you. Rather, it is something to cherish and understand the depth of God's love for His people.

Perhaps you can think about instances where you didn't deserve mercy and God gave it to you anyway. Share those moments with those who struggle to understand the love of God. God wants us to know how much He loves us, by pouring His love and mercy into our lives. We should accept and pass on this gift to others and let the world know God loves them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Implanted Purpose

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. He also has planted eternity in men's hearts and minds [a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy], yet so that men cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. Ecclesiastes 3:11 AMP

         Ever had a sense that you were destined and created for more? That there was just something you couldn't quite describe but you knew that the normal things in life were not meant to hold you forever. This sense of purpose and destiny is not coincidental. It's the mindset of heaven given down to you.

         Now many people start thinking about this destiny and grow afraid of it's fulfillment. Partly because it's going to take too much time, or too much money to fulfill. They think about the difficulty of the journey because they think of the effort it's going to take them to get it done and become discouraged in the process. This is not what God intended. He intended to do all the work, and through Him things were going to be done on a totally different level than you could have ever imagined.

           Think about all the men and women God used in the Bible. It wasn't through any of their efforts that got them the opportunity to fulfill their ultimate destiny. It was God who presented them with the tools to achieve the impossible. He hasn't changed you know, and that is why the same destiny and purpose are available to us all.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Simple Truth

"You'll remember, friends, that when I first came to you to let you in on God's master stroke, I didn't try to impress you with polished speeches and the latest philosophy. I deliberately kept it plain and simple: first Jesus and who he is; then Jesus and what he did—Jesus crucified. I was unsure of how to go about this, and felt totally inadequate—I was scared to death, if you want the truth of it—and so nothing I said could have impressed you or anyone else. But the Message came through anyway. God's Spirit and God's power did it, which made it clear that your life of faith is a response to God's power, not to some fancy mental or emotional footwork by me or anyone else." 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (The Message)

Why do we spend so much time trying to impress people with knowledgeable complicated things of theology. Its amazing how people try so hard to impress others with what they know but in reality it is the simplest things that reach others.

Paul was very careful not to give these people something complicated, instead he focused on the life of Christ and giving them the true foundation of the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit took care of the rest. Due to the simplicity of the gospel the people of Corinth would never be the same.

The point Paul is trying to make in this passage is that you don't need to be the holiest articulator to reach others for Christ, just giving a real simple message that says Christ loves them and He gave His life for them so that they would live in eternity in Heaven. Such a simple approach would go further than most people tend to think.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Be Considerate

"I have a serious concern to bring up with you, my friends, using the authority of Jesus, our Master. I'll put it as urgently as I can: You must get along with each other. You must learn to be considerate of one another, cultivating a life in common." 1 Corinthians 1:10 (The Message)

When I was young I heard a quote from a Christian apologist that stays with me today. It states, "the greatest single cause of Atheism in this world is Christians, who acknowledge things with their lips then walk out the door and deny it by their lifestyles.... That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

What a harsh observation, but Oh so true. Think about what this world would be like if we were considerate of one another and deferred to one another regardless of circumstances? Paul in looking at the Corinthians saw that they were headed down the wrong path, in essence living their lives with blinders. He felt he had to take the focus off themselves, and divert it onto others in order for them to be truly effective Christians.

If we are to assume the mantle of Christianity then we are to live a lifestyle that embodies Christ. I'm not sure if we totally get how important it is for us to understand this... but consider this... If we live a selfless life for others then the world would see poverty vanquished, depression cases diminish significantly, and countless other things that ail this society being restored. Most importantly, we would show the world the love of Christ that lives inside of us and they would come to the understanding that He's the only way the only truth and the only life to pursue.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


“Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven, whose sins are put out of sight. Yes, what joy for those whose record the Lord has cleared of sin.” Romans 4:7-8 (NLT)

An element of love often overlooked is forgiveness. It gets overlooked because it is perhaps the most difficult element of love to apply, perhaps because the one who did the offense to us, hurt us in a way that scarred us (whether intentional or unintentional). But when we think in the realm of love we grow to understand that selflessness is a characteristic of love that when embraced, should make it easier for us to understand how to forgive.

My favorite example of forgiveness is Jesus' example on the cross. After enduring hours of the harshest punishment anyone could ever imagine for a sin/offense He was unjustly accused. In what amounted to one of his final words He utters, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34) Jesus had every right to unleash His fury upon us yet He chose love over just condemnation. We who have been afforded so much forgiveness should love, embracing completely all aspects of forgiveness ourselves... which... by the way includes forgetting.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Never Forsaken

"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread." Psalm 37:25 (NIV)

     How profoundly impacted David must have been to write such a statement. To use the world always, and never brings a certain lasting impression to things. And in all his life he never once saw a righteous man forsaken by God.

     For the average person it would have sufficed for David to pick up his pen at that point and say... I've never seen God forsake the righteous. But he didn't. He kept writing, and what he ended up adding to this particular passage tells you something about how he saw God, and how I believe God wants us to see Him.

     In David's day a person who was poor lacked bread. Bread was a sign of provision, and sustenance, and those who had neither were relegated to beg for bread. Jesus said in John 6:35, "I am the bread of life," by making such a declaration Jesus made himself our provision and sustenance for life. That's why David was able to make a prophetic declaration that the righteous will never be forsaken, and their children won't beg for bread, because Jesus was going to fulfill every need for our life. Hold fast to this life changing truth.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Our Friend

"You, LORD, were my friend, and you made me strong as a mighty mountain. But when you hid your face, I was crushed." Psalm 30:7 (CEV)

Ever felt so strong and empowered that nothing could stand in your way? I have. Or, have you ever felt a sensation of incredible joy like there was no news that could ever dampen your spirits? I have. In each of these instances I felt secure, safe in the knowledge that goodness had surrounded me and I was secured by an overwhelming sense of safety. When I think about it, I actually felt quite like this psalmist.

But then something changed. I felt that security dissipate as I relied more on myself and less on the very force that had me protected. Now I'm not saying that's what happened with the psalmist in this passage. But it is quite possible that the reason why he felt this void was that things were going so well he probably reasoned nothing could stop him. Except of course losing the presence of God.

Ask Sampson what it felt like to lose the presence of God. Or even Jesus when He hung on the cross and He wailed because He felt that the face of God was hidden, and it crushed Him to death. I pray we would never feel the weight of losing God's presence. That each day we would relentlessly pursue the face of God... for He is the one who makes us as strong as a mighty mountain.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Give Thanks

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34 (NLT)

       Tomorrow we will spend time with family and friends commemorating thanksgiving. Usually around this time I do a bit of introspection looking inward to understand the extent of the holiday and take an evaluation on the year to date. Each time I do this, I can't help but thank the Lord, for His goodness to me. I think this because when I see how far I've come in life, I can't take any credit whatsoever for anything what I have done. I see it was God who really led me to these places.

        On top of all this, I can't help but burst with gratefulness that God's faithful love will endure forever. Doesn't matter how many times I slip, fall, and mess up (and I mess up quite often). He will never stop loving me or you. I know that for some times are tough out there, but that doesn't change the weather vane of His love for you. Nothing could ever stop His love for you. If that isn't cause enough to be thankful, I really don't know what could be. Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


“I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:8 (Amplified)

      I was listening to a song (“The voice of truth”) once, and as it played I heard about the people in the song who faced incredible circumstances geared to move them (or cause them to stumble). David facing a Giant, Peter facing a sea being tossed and turned about. They could very well see the circumstance and bend to its adversity or… they could hear the voice of truth that says, “do not be afraid.”As many of us know, these men didn’t let their circumstances get the best of them because they set the Lord before them and listened to his voice of truth.

       To truly live an unshakable life in faith and deed we must continually focus on God. Know that He is at your right hand, listen to His voice of truth that says “I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”(Mathew 28:20) I don’t know about you but these words cause me to stand when I want to fall. They fuse me with a power I did not know I had… more importantly they cause me to be resolute when all around me crumbles. That same power and force is available to you as well.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Our Confident Hope

"Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying." Romans 12:12 (NLT)

     It's amazing how sometimes hope can be beaten down and lost the moment trial and adversities are increased. I can't pretend to say that I've never given up hope at times, which qualifies me to say that once hope is gone, despair and despondency set up camp and that is never a recipe for success.

    Patience at times requires us to dig deep, and that's why this passage makes total sense. When the adversities of life come in, it's best for us to just pray. Because prayer essentially enables us to take the focus on our circumstances and communicate effectively with God. 

    Its not like the situation you were presented with surprised Him, He knew all along what you were going through, which means He above all others knows exactly how to get you out of it. Don't forget that it was He that said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Joshua 1:5) So since He never lies, when we pray our hope should turn into confidence we need to overcome. Be patient in affliction, because at the right time in the right place, your deliverance will come.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Delivered From Fear

"I sought (inquired of) the Lord and required Him [of necessity and on the authority of His Word], and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4 (Amplified)

       There are many obstacles that confront us from day to day, especially in these very difficult times. Fear is rampant, as people are worried about their homes, their jobs, and how they are going to make it day in and day out. In moments like these hope begins to wane, because the pressures of life continue to mount, and before long you find yourself in a dire situation.

        I've come to find that in the moments where things are most tenuous, God is closest. Suddenly, you begin to get flooded with people who encourage you, and passages in scripture that give you hope. Those things aren't coincidences by any means, they are God's subtle ways of delivering you from all your fears. It's His way of showing you... He's got it all under control. If you find yourself gripped by fear at times. Take hope! For if you pursue Him, He will deliver you from all your fears. It's His promise to us.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

And The Crowd Fell Silent

"They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, “All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!” John 8:7 (NLT)

       I can picture the vindictiveness and hatred in their eyes. They were certainly out for blood and not just the blood of a woman caught in adultery but the blood of a man they eventually would get. Seeking to entrap him ever so subtly they sprung a trap bringing at the feet of Jesus a woman who had just been caught up in adultery... a sin that according to the law required a stoning.

       Bringing her to the feet of Jesus these men figured they had a slam dunk. There were throngs of witnesses who could testify to her guilt and they were armed and ready for the kill, until of course, Jesus changed their plans.

        From the outside looking in you could almost see that Jesus didn't care much for this kangaroo court system and tried not pay it any mind. But eventually "they kept demanding an answer," and set themselves up for something they were wholly unprepared for. In so many words the hatred and vitriol the crowd spewed out morphed into conviction and silence. They cast aside their stones and went back home for they couldn't match wits with the Word of God. His grace and mercy prevailed once again. May we learn not get caught up in the hatred of the crowd, but rise above understanding that we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Selfless Living

"Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves]." Philippians 2:3 (Amplified)
What are your motives behind your actions? Is it to be seen by others? If so, you might as well stay home and do nothing. Is it to gain a monetary reward or fame? People will see right through that. Is it because you love others? There should your aim be.
Don't have strife with those you are working with. Instead, work together to achieve the same goal. People who move in the same direction together can form an immovable, unstoppable object. The biggest complaint the world has against Christians is that we all have different voices trying to convey the same distorted message. But if we stand as one then the world wouldn't have that complaint about us. Be selfless and stand together in doing so we effectively promote Christ to this world.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Harsh Truth

"He (GOD) turned everything over to him so he could give it away—a lavish distribution of gifts. That is why whoever accepts and trusts the Son gets in on everything, life complete and forever! And that is also why the person who avoids and distrusts the Son is in the dark and doesn't see life. All he experiences of God is darkness, and an angry darkness at that." John 3:35b-36 (The Message)

      John the Baptist, the chief articulator of the Christ is speaking to his disciples about Jesus. He's laying it all out for them to understand that this very Jesus is the one who is the game changer. The one the prophets had prophesied... the only son of God.

       In explaining Christ John lays out a clear delineation between those who believe in Jesus and those who don't. Being the one who was destined to pave the way for Christ John is perhaps the one person on earth who is ultimately qualified to break down this divide. It also becomes a harsh truth.
       The fact that those who don't believe in Christ as the Savior of the world will be relegated to a life of darkness is a truth that may not sit well with others, but think of it in the simplest of terms. Jesus is the light of the world, apart from light there is only darkness. Correct? So what John says is in fact true. It is a harsh truth indeed but only if you don't believe.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Who are we?

"For each tree is known and identified by its own fruit; for figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor is a cluster of grapes picked from a bramblebush...Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not [practice] what I tell you?" Luke 6:44,46

      I was sitting in a group discussion the other day when one of the members there made an excellent point on identification. They said, "We can for the most part tell by looking at someone who they are and what they represent." She went on to use Mormon's as an example, "the way they walk and talk is very distinguishing as well as the way they carry themselves." You can tell who they are by the evidence of the fruits they represent.

      Every one is a figurative tree that produces a certain fruit. Christians are supposed to look like a certain tree but sometimes we fall short of meeting up to the standard... Jesus. Jesus is so perplexed by this that He asks a simple question..."why do you say you're my tree when your fruits prove otherwise?" (paraphrase)

       Point is, our identification in Christ is solely predicated on the fruit we produce IN Him. I did not say FOR Him because we on our own cannot produce fruit FOR Him. In our human condition it is absolutely impossible to do so, because we are born into frailty. Our identification with Jesus is only possible THROUGH Him. Once we assume our position with Him living within us, then our fruit will morph into the form they were intended to take all along.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran Honor

"No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends." John 15:13(Amplified)
Father Dennis Edward O'Brien of the Marine Corps made this quote years ago. It still applies today. 
It is the Soldier, not the reporter 
Who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the Soldier, not the poet,
Who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the Soldier, not the campus organizer,
Who has given us the freedom to demonstrate.

It is the Soldier, not the lawyer,
Who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the Soldier, who salutes the flag,
Who serves beneath the flag,
And whose coffin is draped by the flag,
Who allows the protestor to burn the flag.

      Today is Veteran's day (or Armistice Day), is a day that in 1918 on the 11th hour, on the 11th day, in the 11th month officially ended World War I. Since that day, we have set this day to honor the Veteran's who have served in the wars of many nations. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011


"God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power." Job 37:5 (NLT)

       Job is a man that was afflicted beyond anything we really could compare (aside from Jesus). He was an extremely rich and powerful man who had many children. Yet, in an instant all of that was taken away from him. Relegated to pick up the pieces of his life, Job then becomes afflicted with painful boils that rip his skin apart that he becomes almost unrecognizable to his friends and his wife.

        Yet in all this Job did not sin. Often a mystery that defies logic, how could this guy keep himself from sinning? How could he brave the torrent enough to understand that, "naked he emerged from his mothers womb and naked he shall also leave this life, the Lord gave me what I have and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!" (Job 1:21). Praise the name of the Lord??? Could we really utter those words when we're put through the hottest crucible of life? Job did. But why?

        Job was well aware of something we often lose sight of. The Majesty of God. It's the very thing that we see when we see the sky open with thunder and then a rainbow follows close by. It's what we see when a newborn child emerges from it's mother's womb and life is evidenced by the scream of the child.

        Job was eminintely aware of this majesty and though he hated his circumstance, he understood that in the end God controls it all, and if it pleases Him we have what we get, and that's enough. Incidentally, Job was was right when he said we cannot imagine the greatness of the power of God, for how could he ever have imagined that God would restore double for all He lost. It just proves that His majesty exceeds our own reasoning.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Savior

“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.”- Isaiah 53:3-4(NIV)

         We are well acquainted with the story of the only son of God coming down to earth to bridge the gap between man and God (started in the Garden of Eden). It is an amazing story, but something often gets overlooked on this story, something very subtle. What is it? The fact that Jesus was human.

          Too often we make excuses for our humanity and reason to ourselves that Jesus really doesn't understand (why we sin). I mean how could He right? He never endured what we endure, He never felt like we felt? We deify Him so much that we don't read the moments in which He was hungry. The moments He and His band of misfits didn't have much money to do what they wanted. I'm also pretty sure He was attracted to a few ladies of His day, but some may consider it a sacrilege to think that. If the bible proclaims that He was a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering wouldn't it lead you to believe that He felt like we do?

           "Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted." This powerful prophecy proves to everyone that Jesus understands us. I don't know what your particular situation is, but I do know that Jesus understands. He felt our every sickness with a lashing on his soft skin, He felt the weight of sin for all mankind on an old rugged cross. If there's anything in life we need to really grasp is that Jesus was every bit as human as we are. The difference between us was that He was willing to die for everyone, even those He knew would never appreciate it. That's love!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Greatest Love of All

"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life." John 3:16 (The Message)

         The bible expounds on God's ultimate act of love. John 15:13 states, "No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends." While Romans 5:7-8 says, "Now it is an extraordinary thing for one to give his life even for an upright man, though perhaps for a noble and lovable and generous benefactor someone might even dare to die. But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us."

         Lucifer (Satan) was once the light of heaven, and felt this love daily as he was the principal worshiper of heaven. Yet his own pride cast him out of the presence of this divine love and into eternal damnation. Why do you think he hates us so much? He can never let the light of that love reflect upon his soul any longer, and its tearing him apart.

         Friends I am convinced that this is the greatest love story ever told. How one man could leave the comforts and riches of heaven to save a world destined to die? Its really hard for me to fathom. It is true many of us would die for people who love us and we love in return, but God didn't place a limitation or requisite to love He wanted ALL to experience the depth of His love.

         I pray that all of us would rejoice more than ever in the wonderful sacrifice made for us, so much so that we make a concerted effort to share it with those who don't know it. God didn't want us to hoard His love all to ourselves by keeping it a secret. He wanted us spread this amazing story to others so that they can grasp the true depth of His love for ALL. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

He never fails

"I trust in God at all times. I pour out my heart before Him; God is a refuge for me." Psalm 62:8 (Amplified)

      Ever been backed into a corner, and really felt like you couldn't make a definitive step forward? I know I have. It's as if I felt so entrapped that I almost couldn't breathe. It's a horrible feeling because you have the deep sinking sensation that things have gone horribly awry and there is no way out.

       In the midst of that trouble... God came near. Just when I felt like I couldn't go any further or see a way out, a light radiated in the midst of darkness and delivered me from that trying situation, in ways that were wholly unexpected yet completely welcome.

       Now this may not be the experience many have encountered, but quite often I've been asked by others why I believe and the simplest answer I can give is this, "He's never failed me." When things in my life have gone wrong, never have I been left alone and abandoned, and in all truth, that's really all I need.

Friday, November 4, 2011


"By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones)" Ephesians 1:18 (Amplified)

How do we have the eyes of our heart flooded with light? The simple answer is found in Hebrews 12:2 "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus is the light of the world. Apart from him there is only darkness. We have light because we are His children and readily profess that He is the Son of God through our faith.

It's amazing how faith operates. We weren't there when he turned the water into wine. We weren't there when He raised Lazarus from the dead. Yet we believe. Jesus told Peter after asking the disciples who they thought He was, "..blessed are you Peter because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you" (that Jesus was the son of God). You see God immeasurably blesses the faith that operates within you. You just have to continually operate in it, not let the enemy steal your faith, and above all share this faith with others, for that is the purpose to which He called us to.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried. He is a Shield to me because I trust and take refuge in Him. For who is God but the Lord? And who is a Rock except our God? God is my strong Fortress; He guides the blameless in His way and sets me free." 2 Samuel 22:31-33

     David writes this song after enduring 14 hard years in the wilderness. 14 years of a nomadic lifestyle not necessarily knowing where he would lay his head the next day or the day after that. His life had become relegated to trusting God in ways he probably would never have signed up for had he known this was the path to the throne.

       Yet if there was one thing that David was sure of it was God. He knew that God is not a man that He should lie, and he knew that though he couldn't figure things out on his own he took comfort in the fact that he really didn't have to. He trusted God through those 14 arduous years of bloodshed and defections. He endured because he held on to God's promise and that was enough for him.

         God saw this persistence in David and was impressed with how His servant never relented in trusting Him. After all, David has two specific occassions to take matters into his own hands and assume the throne his way, but he wouldn't take the bait and waited on God. That's trust.

         I wonder what is God asking us to trust Him for today? I wonder if we are truly devoting ourselves to trusting Him and not taking matters into our own hands even when we have an opportunity to do so. David proves to us that we can hold on to God's word, because He's never slack in delivering on His promises.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Remember God

"Remember the Lord your God. He is the one who gives you the power to be successful, in order to fulfill the covenant he confirmed to your ancestors with an oath." Deuteronomy 8:18

        I would like for you to recall a time in your life or in the life of someone you know where God did not come through with a promise. You'd probably wrack your brain for a while for that time never has, nor ever will exist. After all His word does say, "God is not a man, so He does not lie." (Numbers 23:19) This is the very reason why His promises are yes and amen.

        This is of extreme importance because it gives us reason to trust His promises in the bible. The promise given in Deuteronomy 8:18 is to encourage us to believe that regardless of the circumstances surrounding us, if we remember the Lord, we will have the power to be successful in life. The bible also says in Psalm 37:25, "Once I was young, but now I am old. Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned or their children begging for bread."

         This means is that we must continually remind ourselves that God is on our side, and He's empowered us to live a life of success and favor. The true key to this power and successful lifestyle is remembering who it is who gives you the power to be that way. So when times get tough don't rely on your own power and strength, for it is His power and strength that has overcome the world. (John 16:33)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 (NLT)

       I was praying this morning and I said to God, "I'm so thankful for the cause to praise you." Then I began to think about it and I totally understood that there is always a cause to praise God. To be happy in Him. I am full of breath. I am able to go to work. I have health, and on and on. Complaining should not be a part of my vocabulary, but praise and joy should always be a part of our expression.

       Resist the temptation to be unhappy, think about God's goodness to you and to others. That's more than enough cause to praise Him. For those who are unhappy will show it through their outer expression, while those who are continually rejoicing live their lives appreciative of what they have and the God they serve. Let that be you today!

Friday, October 28, 2011

What's in a name?

"A Good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." Proverbs 22:1a (Amplified)

      I don't know if many of us recognize the power of our names. Some may things it happenstance or coincidence that they were named what they were named, and others may know the significance of their name but really may not totally grasp the responsibility that is required to live up to that name.

      Jesus carried with Him the name above all names, and the responsibility of His name led him to the cross. I love how Philippians 2 depicts how Jesus assumed the responsibility of His name and because He did it so  well God elevated His name to the status no other name could ever have.

      So don't for one moment lessen the importance of your name and how it matters in this world, because if you truly knew who you were, then its easy to live the life your meant to live in Christ.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Be Vigilant

"Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour. Withstand him; be firm in faith [against his onset--rooted, established, strong, immovable, and determined], knowing that the same (identical) sufferings are appointed to your brotherhood (the whole body of Christians) throughout the world." 1 Peter 5:8-9

       Sun Tzu a great war tactician once said, "In any battle, you must know your enemy and know thyself..." How true do those words ring when it concerns the enemy of mankind (satan). He roams about the earth seeking whom he may devour, in fact, this version emphasizes that He roams about with fierce hunger. He's so anxious to strike us and take us down that he patiently waits for our moment of weakness and attacks. Like any normal lion.

       I've heard it said that a lion can sense fear and hesitation, but it can also sense strength and courage. If it senses strength its likely to back down and go away, if by chance it does attack their only way of attack is to pounce... leaving themselves vulnerable to a person eluding them and striking them in the head. In like fashion, Satan has his old tricks be it; pornography, alcohol, drugs, etc... His tricks never change and we know that if we claim the name of Jesus and operate in His strength we can defeat his pounces.

       God loves us so much that He gives us a clear warning on how to be overcomers in this world. How not to let the enemy of our soul triumph over us. He tells us to be on alert because this enemy is looking to pounce on us when we least expect it. This passage encourages me to keep my mind and my soul on heavy alert knowing that its just a matter of time before the enemy would want to come after me. I encourage you to live in like fashion.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Tongue

"And the tongue is a fire. [The tongue is a] world of wickedness set among our members, contaminating and depraving the whole body and setting on fire the wheel of birth (the cycle of man's nature), being itself ignited by hell...With it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men who were made in God's likeness!" James 3: 6,9 (Amplified)

Ever said anything you wished you took back as soon as it left your mouth? I know I have several times, and perhaps in my lifetime I'll do it again. It's that ragged tongue, it has such a potential to do marvelous things, but can be equally as destructive. James marveled at this paradox, after all how could something praise God and later curse the very perfect creation of God.

This member of our body is guided by emotion more than any other member of our body. Our brain has a direct link to the tongue and when we feel good or bad we respond in kind. However, because it is linked to the brain it is also the hardest to control, because at times subconscious thoughts emerge and we're not wholly (or consciously) aware of what we speak.

Then what to do? The best way to control it is to realize that we can't. Let our flesh lose the battle that the spirit so desperately desires to win. Begin exercises of praise rather than speaking negativity. The more we practice to speak good then it will be rather difficult to speak evil, or we will feel wrong about it. If we allow God to control our lives most assuredly He'll control our tongue, if not then we become victims of our own inherently wicked desires and the flesh triumphs once again. Prevent this at all costs!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Forgiven to Forgive

“I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again." Isaiah 43:25 (NLT)

       What a truly profound yet simple message. A message where God says to us in so many words, "I will totally wipe out all your sins from my memory. That compromising situation where you gave into temptation and failed. That time where you spoke harshly against your brother or sister. Those instances for me are totally forgiven and released from My memory."

         This truly amazing level of grace serves as an example for us, a model, if you will, on how we ought to be with others. Yet, sometimes the choices we make run counter to this line of thinking. We choose to hold grudges, or bitterness towards others because of the hurtful things they may have said or done.  Or when someone fails in the most simple elements of life we become critical of them and totally judge and condemn them. It's as if we feel like we are better than God because we refuse to do the very thing He does for us.

           You can tell a person that has true forgiveness in their lives, because they reflect love in all instances not holding grudges against anyone, always forgiving, always loving. This person refuses to give into gossip, or hate of any sort. More than anything this person reflects what God promises He will do for us in this passage. So the question persists... "Are we going to be for God's ways, or are we going to live as if we are better than Him?" If you remember nothing about this passage...remember this simple fact, that you are forgiven to forgive.

Monday, October 24, 2011


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

     Moses' final exhortation to the people. It carries with it the spectrum of emotions ranging from melancholy (for he's not the one leading the people to the promised land) to encouragement (because his people are about to embark on a terrific journey with a new regime). Moses is sure of something that this new breed isn't quite familiar with, and he's imparting this wisdom unto them. God will never leave you. Never not ever!

      As we that are familiar with this story know, there were several instances in which God could have left this rag tag bunch of wishy washy people, but He never did. Pick your instance; the golden calf, the cursed brook, the rebellion of Korah, and their refusal to enter the land for fear of the giants. Time and again the people that had witnessed the greatest miracles the world has ever known retaliated to a mentality of things being too impossible. I'd imagine the whole time God is shaking His head in disbelief saying, "Really?"

        Yet in all this, and in all the anger God had against His people, He never left. Makes me think about all of us who at times really beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. When we stink up the joint with our foul odor of disbelief, especially when we have witnessed great miracles, signs, and wonders in our own lives. I'm sure He sits on his throne and just thinks, "Really?"

        However, His love for us is such that He never leaves us. Makes me grateful for a God that doesn't care how many mistakes I make. He'll still love me, and will still deliver me. Oh and by the way, if you didn't know what happened next these people stepped into the promised land and defeated the very giants the generation before feared. That's what happens when never leaving nor forsaking is in the equation.  

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Choice

“But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”- Joshua 24:15 (NIV)

        Isn't this a choice we are forced to make everyday? When the world around us presses us for our allegiance who do we choose? Do we choose the temporal pleasures and gain this world affords, or do we choose the invincible, the immeasurable, the eternal?

         Joshua was faced with a life-altering mind-numbing choice. But to him the choice was simple. He saw what the world had to offer through the Egyptian experience. He knew what it was like to know when he was getting a meal, and when the workday was over (but the reality of being a slave never changed). Suddenly a man named Moses carrying a word from his God to set His people free rocked his world (a life of freedom away from repressed slavery). Instantly, things that were once certain and predictable changed into the uncertain, and unpredictable. Like never before he was forced to live a life of faith following a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night.

            He would see in his journey terrific triumphs that defied logic or reason, and lots of disappointment centered on a lack of faith. When his time came to lead he saw two choices, serving God or living a life of bondage and slavery to the world. For him the choice was oh so simple, yet extremely difficult in application because it stretched him more than anything in his life. We all know what choice he made and as a result he saw the land flowing with milk and honey.
            I see little difference between what Joshua faced thousands of years ago and what we face today. We are required to walk by faith and not by sight, believing in the eternal which isn't seen rather than the temporal which is seen. We are faced with the choice to choose the Lord or the world. I know which one I'm choosing, I pray you do as well.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Perfection Through Weakness

"Jesus said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me." 2 Corinthians 12:9

     Why is it when trials or adversities come I cower in to a bundle of fear and anxiety? Why is it that I don't see those instances as opportunities to succeed rather than moments to fail? Why is it that my eyes cannot grasp the faith of Paul who says, " I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil 4:13) Why O Why, O Why? My needs are always met. He's never early, never late, but ALWAYS on time... So then why do I struggle with my belief system when the measure of difficulty is raised higher and higher? All these questions one simple answer... I can't see Him.

      "What! you can't see Him?" People may ask. Yeah I can't see Him, or perhaps I choose not to see Him. I'm choosing to focus on my circumstance instead of the answer to my circumstance. If I choose to see Him, I willfully choose to understand that my circumstance is His, and that He is more than capable of handling it. The reason why we are afraid to see Him is because we are inherently afraid to be weak.

         In this world we are conditioned to look out for ourselves and handle our situations on our own. God is desiring to "open His hands and satisfy the desire of EVERY living thing." (Psalm 145:16) It takes an act of the will to be weak. To give up fighting for yourself, and embrace the care of a loving God. It takes a tremendous amount of courage and determination to be weak because you operate solely in the realm of faith. But is it worth it? You bet!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Take Heart

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (Amplified)

Ever seen a high profile person walk around with his entourage? He walks confidently because he knows that his entourage is well equipped and prepared to handle his protection. For the most part this person has available access to him to do pretty much anything he wants. More importantly, he knows that the reason why he has an entourage in the first place is because there is trouble in the world.
We too have a similar aura of protection around us. Our entourage is God. He watches over us. He leads us beside the still and the troubled waters. He restores our soul. He leads us in paths of righteousness. He has proven over and over again that He has overcome the world. Think Pharaoh, Jericho, Goliath, and the Cross. No obstacle can stand in His way. So take heart, and have peace in Him.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Better Life

"A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." John 10:10 (The Message)

     Far too often we beat ourselves up too much for mistakes we make. The reason why we feel so remorseful and guilty is mainly because we don't understand how truly forgiven we are. In this instance the thief, (which is the devil) is trying to steal your understanding of forgiveness. 

     At other times you don't have the ability to forgive others, or even tolerate their shortcomings. In this instance the thief, is trying to rob you of the grace you've been given. Lastly, there are times where your hopes and dreams for a better future for yourself has been corrupted by circumstances and trials that cloud your vision for a better tomorrow. This time it is the thief who has come to steal your hope. 

      The secret to overcoming the thief is to remind yourself of the words Jesus promised to us. The statement, "I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of..." Isn't some sort of pipe dream or unattainable goal. It is our purpose, the very destiny we are called to embrace. So don't for one moment accept let the thief rob you of what you're promised. His goal is to make you fall... but God's purpose for your live is to raise you up! 

Monday, October 17, 2011


"Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (Amplified)

        Makes me wonder how many people really buy into this line of thinking, especially in these times? Joshua was really delving into the unknown. A man who was a faithful lieutenant of Moses for years, now is thrust into a position as Captain over the millions of Israeli refugees looking for a home. A daunting task at best. God's pep talk to Joshua didn't pull any punches but reminded him (Joshua) of the word of God. (as an aside, I was thinking of how curious it is when you go back to the word you will find the answer to all your problems. Very Interesting indeed, but I digress)

         God didn't tell him to be tepid or afraid... No. He told him to be strong, vigorous, and courageous. Strong, because he will need to have a thick skin to deal with wishy washy people. Vigorous, because there will be tasks ahead that will require him to not relent. Courageous, because there will be times where the impossible (in our mind) will surface and he will need to have the courage to persist in trusting God. All these characteristics would be powerful assets if and only if He understood that the Lord was with Him. Just as He was with Moses.

         You know come to think of it, God's exhortation hasn't changed a bit. The promises in His word are still true even for us today, and the challenges that we meet, though they do not have the scope of Joshua's challenges, the solutions to them are still the same. God is telling you today you need to be strong, vigorous, and courageous, but don't for one second hold back or be in despair...because He is with you. What amazing comfort that truth provides.

Friday, October 14, 2011

All or Nothing

"I know your [record of] works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!" Revelation 3:15-16 (Amplified)

        Wouldn't you be the same if it were you? Suppose you had a fiancee, girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse that was just lukewarm in everything that they did. It would drive you crazy, because you'd just hope for a little passion in something, Or you would rather they not give an effort at all. God had the same issue with the church at Laodicea and the Christians that represent that church then and now.

         Being lukewarm is a mental condition that tries to appease to two fields. One is the field of complacency, the other is the field of excellence. Those who live in the middle are torn between making a decision and have no idea of what it means to sell out and go for it all. But as Christians selling out and going all the way is our calling. Ask a sports athlete what happens if they don't go all out, more often than not if you hesitate you become high risk for injury.

         God wants you to have passion for two reasons. 1) Because He wants all of you and nothing less, and 2) For your own benefit because living in the middle leaves you susceptible to attacks and to injury. Don't be a person that He spews out of His mouth, instead be on fire for Him for it is the purpose for which you have been made.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Our Help

"I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”- Psalm 121:1-2 (NIV)

       December 7th 1941, just like September 11th 2001 are days that will never be forgotten. Why? Because something happened on those days that changed the course of American history. Before those two respective dates there was a sense of security about our daily affairs, and after those days we became more guarded and stood together as one, for at least a moment in time.

       When David faced his numerous December 7th's He always did one thing immediately after those tragic events. He looked up. He knew that looking up was the only place where he could find THE solution to his every need. He knew that the Maker of heaven and earth was never taken by surprise by the events that happened, and was always ready to respond in the times of greatest his need.

         Those days should serve as constant reminders of what needs to be done in our moments of greatest need. We should always look up for there is where our help comes from.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Unshakable Kingdom

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe," Hebrews 12:28 (NIV)

God has promised us a kingdom on earth that is immovable, impregnable, a force without equal. We have access to this kingdom! It is a kingdom that this world cannot see with its fleshly eyes, and desires, but it does exist.

The world wages a war daily trying to demean it's existence. the atheist who is so persistent in his/her pursuit will do their level best to convince you there is no God, as there is no Kingdom. The agnostic too will try, as will a host of others. The bible warns us of such people when it tells us in Matthew 11:12, "And from the days of John the Baptist until the present time, the kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force [as a precious prize--a [a]share in the heavenly kingdom is sought with most ardent zeal and intense exertion]." (Amplified)

Be mindful of these forces that try to vie for the terrain of your souls. Be weary of the lion that lurks to wait and captivate your attention. For in you resides a little piece of this Kingdom, but only if you allow His power inside of you to activate the power to resist the forces that try to assault the Kingdom. Stand your guard and be strong because if God is for us.... then who can be against us?