Monday, October 24, 2011


"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)

     Moses' final exhortation to the people. It carries with it the spectrum of emotions ranging from melancholy (for he's not the one leading the people to the promised land) to encouragement (because his people are about to embark on a terrific journey with a new regime). Moses is sure of something that this new breed isn't quite familiar with, and he's imparting this wisdom unto them. God will never leave you. Never not ever!

      As we that are familiar with this story know, there were several instances in which God could have left this rag tag bunch of wishy washy people, but He never did. Pick your instance; the golden calf, the cursed brook, the rebellion of Korah, and their refusal to enter the land for fear of the giants. Time and again the people that had witnessed the greatest miracles the world has ever known retaliated to a mentality of things being too impossible. I'd imagine the whole time God is shaking His head in disbelief saying, "Really?"

        Yet in all this, and in all the anger God had against His people, He never left. Makes me think about all of us who at times really beat ourselves up when we make mistakes. When we stink up the joint with our foul odor of disbelief, especially when we have witnessed great miracles, signs, and wonders in our own lives. I'm sure He sits on his throne and just thinks, "Really?"

        However, His love for us is such that He never leaves us. Makes me grateful for a God that doesn't care how many mistakes I make. He'll still love me, and will still deliver me. Oh and by the way, if you didn't know what happened next these people stepped into the promised land and defeated the very giants the generation before feared. That's what happens when never leaving nor forsaking is in the equation.  

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