Tuesday, November 1, 2011


"Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!" Philippians 4:4 (NLT)

       I was praying this morning and I said to God, "I'm so thankful for the cause to praise you." Then I began to think about it and I totally understood that there is always a cause to praise God. To be happy in Him. I am full of breath. I am able to go to work. I have health, and on and on. Complaining should not be a part of my vocabulary, but praise and joy should always be a part of our expression.

       Resist the temptation to be unhappy, think about God's goodness to you and to others. That's more than enough cause to praise Him. For those who are unhappy will show it through their outer expression, while those who are continually rejoicing live their lives appreciative of what they have and the God they serve. Let that be you today!

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