Monday, November 7, 2011

He never fails

"I trust in God at all times. I pour out my heart before Him; God is a refuge for me." Psalm 62:8 (Amplified)

      Ever been backed into a corner, and really felt like you couldn't make a definitive step forward? I know I have. It's as if I felt so entrapped that I almost couldn't breathe. It's a horrible feeling because you have the deep sinking sensation that things have gone horribly awry and there is no way out.

       In the midst of that trouble... God came near. Just when I felt like I couldn't go any further or see a way out, a light radiated in the midst of darkness and delivered me from that trying situation, in ways that were wholly unexpected yet completely welcome.

       Now this may not be the experience many have encountered, but quite often I've been asked by others why I believe and the simplest answer I can give is this, "He's never failed me." When things in my life have gone wrong, never have I been left alone and abandoned, and in all truth, that's really all I need.

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