Friday, October 28, 2011

What's in a name?

"A Good name is rather to be chosen than great riches." Proverbs 22:1a (Amplified)

      I don't know if many of us recognize the power of our names. Some may things it happenstance or coincidence that they were named what they were named, and others may know the significance of their name but really may not totally grasp the responsibility that is required to live up to that name.

      Jesus carried with Him the name above all names, and the responsibility of His name led him to the cross. I love how Philippians 2 depicts how Jesus assumed the responsibility of His name and because He did it so  well God elevated His name to the status no other name could ever have.

      So don't for one moment lessen the importance of your name and how it matters in this world, because if you truly knew who you were, then its easy to live the life your meant to live in Christ.

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