Monday, November 28, 2011

Our Friend

"You, LORD, were my friend, and you made me strong as a mighty mountain. But when you hid your face, I was crushed." Psalm 30:7 (CEV)

Ever felt so strong and empowered that nothing could stand in your way? I have. Or, have you ever felt a sensation of incredible joy like there was no news that could ever dampen your spirits? I have. In each of these instances I felt secure, safe in the knowledge that goodness had surrounded me and I was secured by an overwhelming sense of safety. When I think about it, I actually felt quite like this psalmist.

But then something changed. I felt that security dissipate as I relied more on myself and less on the very force that had me protected. Now I'm not saying that's what happened with the psalmist in this passage. But it is quite possible that the reason why he felt this void was that things were going so well he probably reasoned nothing could stop him. Except of course losing the presence of God.

Ask Sampson what it felt like to lose the presence of God. Or even Jesus when He hung on the cross and He wailed because He felt that the face of God was hidden, and it crushed Him to death. I pray we would never feel the weight of losing God's presence. That each day we would relentlessly pursue the face of God... for He is the one who makes us as strong as a mighty mountain.

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