Thursday, November 10, 2011


"God’s voice is glorious in the thunder. We can’t even imagine the greatness of his power." Job 37:5 (NLT)

       Job is a man that was afflicted beyond anything we really could compare (aside from Jesus). He was an extremely rich and powerful man who had many children. Yet, in an instant all of that was taken away from him. Relegated to pick up the pieces of his life, Job then becomes afflicted with painful boils that rip his skin apart that he becomes almost unrecognizable to his friends and his wife.

        Yet in all this Job did not sin. Often a mystery that defies logic, how could this guy keep himself from sinning? How could he brave the torrent enough to understand that, "naked he emerged from his mothers womb and naked he shall also leave this life, the Lord gave me what I have and the Lord has taken it away. Praise the name of the Lord!" (Job 1:21). Praise the name of the Lord??? Could we really utter those words when we're put through the hottest crucible of life? Job did. But why?

        Job was well aware of something we often lose sight of. The Majesty of God. It's the very thing that we see when we see the sky open with thunder and then a rainbow follows close by. It's what we see when a newborn child emerges from it's mother's womb and life is evidenced by the scream of the child.

        Job was eminintely aware of this majesty and though he hated his circumstance, he understood that in the end God controls it all, and if it pleases Him we have what we get, and that's enough. Incidentally, Job was was right when he said we cannot imagine the greatness of the power of God, for how could he ever have imagined that God would restore double for all He lost. It just proves that His majesty exceeds our own reasoning.

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