Monday, November 14, 2011

Who are we?

"For each tree is known and identified by its own fruit; for figs are not gathered from thornbushes, nor is a cluster of grapes picked from a bramblebush...Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not [practice] what I tell you?" Luke 6:44,46

      I was sitting in a group discussion the other day when one of the members there made an excellent point on identification. They said, "We can for the most part tell by looking at someone who they are and what they represent." She went on to use Mormon's as an example, "the way they walk and talk is very distinguishing as well as the way they carry themselves." You can tell who they are by the evidence of the fruits they represent.

      Every one is a figurative tree that produces a certain fruit. Christians are supposed to look like a certain tree but sometimes we fall short of meeting up to the standard... Jesus. Jesus is so perplexed by this that He asks a simple question..."why do you say you're my tree when your fruits prove otherwise?" (paraphrase)

       Point is, our identification in Christ is solely predicated on the fruit we produce IN Him. I did not say FOR Him because we on our own cannot produce fruit FOR Him. In our human condition it is absolutely impossible to do so, because we are born into frailty. Our identification with Jesus is only possible THROUGH Him. Once we assume our position with Him living within us, then our fruit will morph into the form they were intended to take all along.

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