Thursday, November 3, 2011


"As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried. He is a Shield to me because I trust and take refuge in Him. For who is God but the Lord? And who is a Rock except our God? God is my strong Fortress; He guides the blameless in His way and sets me free." 2 Samuel 22:31-33

     David writes this song after enduring 14 hard years in the wilderness. 14 years of a nomadic lifestyle not necessarily knowing where he would lay his head the next day or the day after that. His life had become relegated to trusting God in ways he probably would never have signed up for had he known this was the path to the throne.

       Yet if there was one thing that David was sure of it was God. He knew that God is not a man that He should lie, and he knew that though he couldn't figure things out on his own he took comfort in the fact that he really didn't have to. He trusted God through those 14 arduous years of bloodshed and defections. He endured because he held on to God's promise and that was enough for him.

         God saw this persistence in David and was impressed with how His servant never relented in trusting Him. After all, David has two specific occassions to take matters into his own hands and assume the throne his way, but he wouldn't take the bait and waited on God. That's trust.

         I wonder what is God asking us to trust Him for today? I wonder if we are truly devoting ourselves to trusting Him and not taking matters into our own hands even when we have an opportunity to do so. David proves to us that we can hold on to God's word, because He's never slack in delivering on His promises.

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