Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Selfless Living

"Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves]." Philippians 2:3 (Amplified)
What are your motives behind your actions? Is it to be seen by others? If so, you might as well stay home and do nothing. Is it to gain a monetary reward or fame? People will see right through that. Is it because you love others? There should your aim be.
Don't have strife with those you are working with. Instead, work together to achieve the same goal. People who move in the same direction together can form an immovable, unstoppable object. The biggest complaint the world has against Christians is that we all have different voices trying to convey the same distorted message. But if we stand as one then the world wouldn't have that complaint about us. Be selfless and stand together in doing so we effectively promote Christ to this world.

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