Tuesday, November 22, 2011


“I have set the Lord continually before me; because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.” Psalm 16:8 (Amplified)

      I was listening to a song (“The voice of truth”) once, and as it played I heard about the people in the song who faced incredible circumstances geared to move them (or cause them to stumble). David facing a Giant, Peter facing a sea being tossed and turned about. They could very well see the circumstance and bend to its adversity or… they could hear the voice of truth that says, “do not be afraid.”As many of us know, these men didn’t let their circumstances get the best of them because they set the Lord before them and listened to his voice of truth.

       To truly live an unshakable life in faith and deed we must continually focus on God. Know that He is at your right hand, listen to His voice of truth that says “I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”(Mathew 28:20) I don’t know about you but these words cause me to stand when I want to fall. They fuse me with a power I did not know I had… more importantly they cause me to be resolute when all around me crumbles. That same power and force is available to you as well.

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