Monday, January 23, 2012


"He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you." Isaiah 30:19b (Amplified)

On the two occassions I went to war, I saw first hand the power of prayer. It was absolutley essential that I kept my communication line with God in tact because I needed Him to be my everything in that circumstance. On both occassions when I got home I could have chosen to take it easy and throttle back on the prayer and the relationship I had established in those difficult times but I did not.
The reason I did not was that I saw how interested God was in what you do before the situation, during the situation, and after the situation. Before the situation comes to you your prayer should be focused on getting you prepared for when it should come to you, during the situation your prayer should focus on continually leaning on God to help you through the situation, and finally your prayer after the situation should be in gratitude for helping you make it through your situation.
In essence, you always have an opportunity to raise your cry to heaven. God loves to move on your behalf and work with you. Many people will only pray during the situation and that is a critical error, because it hasn't taken time to establish God as the source before the situation. I cannot emphasize enough the power of Prayer and How God uses it to be glorified in us. We should learn from His word how He values prayer and let it become the most active part of our Christian life.

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