Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Debt of Love

“[Love, for the Day is Near] Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law.”- Romans 13:8 (NIV)

I've seen plenty of news stories chronicling the sudden deaths of young people. They say sudden because they reason that the person who died at 22 or 18 should really not have died at that age. Each time I hear about those stories I think about that person's account in heaven. Was it settled? Or did they wait to settle it for another time?

This very moment is the best shot we will ever have at settling our debt of love to one another. To give grace in ALL circumstances at all time for this is the will of God. I guess I'm concerned about those who will wait till tomorrow, next month, or next year to forgive that person who did them wrong. I'm concerned because the question is very simple. What if tomorrow never comes? Just because you've received a clean bill of health from the doctor does not mean that God will not require your soul tomorrow or even this very moment.

I say this with a sense of urgency because those who die not continuing their debt of love to one another have rejected Christ and the love He gave to us. I definitely don't want any of us to fall in this trap. Fulfill the work while it is day, for the day shall come where no work can be done, and you will be judged by the grace and love you gave others. I pray you made those attributes a priority.

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