Friday, January 27, 2012

Just listen

"As I hear the Word of the kingdom (sown in the good soil of my heart), and grasp and comprehend it; will indeed bear fruit and yield a good return." Matthew 13:19 (AMP)

     A word from the Lord could sustain anyone in their deepest darkest valleys. Consider Abraham, God told him that his decendants would be like the stars in the sky or the sand in the desert (Heb 11:12). This word had to sustain Abraham because time was not his friend, and yet because he held on dearly to God's word we can see evidence of it today.

    Jesus is perhaps the best example of how holding on to God's word is so important. By God telling Jesus He was the beloved Son in whom God was pleased (Mark 1:11), Jesus was able to sustain 40 days of rigorous temptation from the Devil as well as the cross because it was God's will, and Jesus knew God loved him. How powerful is that?

     God wants to give each of us a word from Him. Let's pursue that word for dear life if we don't have it, or cling to it in the bad times if we do have it. This word confirms for us in our heart that God is FOR us. So take a moment and just listen for His word for you.

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