Monday, January 16, 2012

I keep rising!

"For a righteous man falls seven times and rises again..." Provebs 24:16a (AMP)

       I remember when my daughter was younger and starting to walk, she kept trying to figure out this new thing but couldn't quite get her footing right so she'd fall down. Undeterred, she continuesd to rise re-establishing her footing underneath her and preparing to make movements she was wholly unfamiliar with.

       In my moment of nostalgia, I thought about our lives. I thought about how we go through life and make mistakes when we venture into new territory, but unlike the child we often grow fearful of rising back up. We think too much because it's too new, or it's too much of the same the problem and we can't seem to figure out a way to rise again.

       Next time you fall think about a child and how they don't even think about the next obstacle, the just rise up to the challenge because new territory is fun to overcome. Oh and by the way, you have a Father in heaven who will help you up each time!

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