Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hiding Place

"You are my hiding place; you protect me from trouble. You surround me with songs of victory." Psalm 32:7 (NLT)

     Ever faced a situation so difficult, and so big there was absolutely no way you could overcome it on your own? Those are the toughest situations because you feel so helpless, so defenseless, and so unable to see a positive outcome.

      I remember hearing last week from a well known preacher that there is something we can do that God cannot. He said, "We can do all we can, with regards to finances we can do all we can do, health, or otherwise we have a limit, but God has no limit." In that moment, when we come to the end of ourselves, God is just getting started.

       I know that for me each time I reach my end, I go to my hiding place (God). I rest in the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1), because He protects me from all my trouble and gives me the victory. If you're in the same boat and you have no place to go, go to Him. For He will shield you with His covering and overcome your enemies for you. Don't believe me? Consider that Jesus was willing to touch a leper and heal Him just to show him that He would do anything to show us His love, and the fact that He has defeated our circumstances (Matthew 8:3). He'll do the same for you I guarantee it.

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