Tuesday, September 27, 2011


"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7

      You know what bothers God the most? People who live in fear. Because those who live in fear fail to realize their potential in life. They fail to reach for supernatural things because they are so concerned about their own natural limitations. I think it must drive him nuts, because he has placed in each one of us a gift that is truly unique to us, and the only way to activate this gift is to be....well... fearless.

      I guess when you get down to it, fear is predicated on selfishness. Many of you are like...huh? Well I think it merits a rather simple explanation. Each time you fear, you concern yourself primarily with self-preservation, or the preservation of something important to you. Therefore, fear of what you may lose, prevents you from trusting anything but yourself.

       The antithesis to fear is love. The apostle John wrote some very poignant words when he said, "There is no fear in love, because perfect love casts out all fear." (1 John 4:8a) It is no coincidence that John and Paul used love as the great equalizer to fear, because they both understood the depth of love of Christ. More than anything else this love made supernatural power, and ability available to us. To them it was the quintessential reason why we should live fearlessly, or have we forgotten what David wrote in Psalm 23:4?

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