Monday, September 26, 2011

Abundance in Famine

"The Lord knows the days of the upright and blameless, and their heritage will abide forever. They shall not be put to shame in the time of evil; and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied." Psalm 37: 18-19 (Amplified)
       When I read Psalm 37 the other day these two verses jumped out of the page right into my heart. Instantly, I began to think of the times we live in today. A time where there is a great famine in the land, and the wicked are running rampant through the streets. In the midst of it all, God is keeping a careful watch over his righteous people. Ensuring that: 1) they will not be put to shame, and 2) they are not victimized by the famine.
       One thought that did cross my mind was I am definitely not upright and blameless, so how do I share in this promise? The answer...Christ. Because Christ lives and dwells in my heart, the sin that should reign in my life has no hold on me. I can now recieve the promises of God because I'm covered by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross (How marvelous!).
        The bible is replete with examples of prosperity in famine. Remember the widow that was down to her last measure of oil until Elijah came (1 Kings 17). Or think about the circumstances that led Jacob and his family find Joseph his long lost son (Genesis 45). If you don't believe God is in the business of rescuing His people in the direst of circumstances think again. Our only role in this life is to believe. If we do, we shall see the Glory of God. (John 11:40)

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