Wednesday, February 22, 2012


"Back at Horeb, God, Our God, spoke to us. "You've stayed long enough at this mountain. On your way now. Get moving." Deuteronomy 1:6-7a (MSG)

      There are times in our lives where all we do is circle the same mountain. Circling the same problem, circumstance, and situation. Trying our level best to overcome it on our own, and once we feel like we've gotten a handle of the situation, we get used to it and develop a comfort for our surroundings. It gets to the point where it almost seems impractical to strive for something more. Then God comes to us and says to us...Move.

        I think what most of us fail to realize is that God is not as interested in our comfort as He is in us pursuing the greater things available. Sometimes going after the greater things He's promised and destined for us require for us to grow out of comfort with our present circumstance and move into the unknown.

         In this passage the people of Israel faced a practical choice. Go after the promise of a better hope and future God intended for them, or remain in their comfort zone. It is a very similar choice we face day to day. Do we linger in the present comfort of our circumstance because "it's easier," or do we move? I know what God wants us to do, but do you?

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