Thursday, February 2, 2012


 "Ask for a sign from your God. Ask anything. Be extravagant. Ask for the moon!" Isaiah 7:11 (MSG)

      The prophet Isaiah is talking to the king and is urging him to ask God for anything, and the King refuses to do so because he felt too low to ask God for his own deliverance. I've seen many Christians who feel the same way (I've done this a time or two myself also), they reason to themselves, "who am I to demand anything from God He's too big to be concerned about my problems?"

      The funny thing is God's desire for us is to pursue Him. In our pursuit, He's asking us to ask Him for anything (Psalm 2:8). To try Him and see if His arm is not too short to deliver us (Isaiah 59:1). So then why don't we just try and ask Him for what we need, just once? I can say from personal experience asking pays off. If you don't believe me read about the life of Jesus and see how many times He asked and it went unfulfilled. So if your enemy is all around you or the circumstance you face seems dire, ask God for anything, He wants you to challenge Him!

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