Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Call

"Call on me in prayer and I will answer you. I will show you great and mysterious things you still do not know about." Jeremiah 33:3 (NLT)

      God's desire to have communication with us runs deep. He created Adam so that He could commune daily with us. He took long strolls with Adam in the garden and they had established such a deep connection that when that connection was severed, Adam felt it immediately and hid in shame. This severed connection broke God's heart and caused Him to do something He did not want to do (ban them from His presence).

       Fast forward hundreds of years and you have God trying once again to show His people His desire to connect. He says that if we call upon Him not only will we receive the answer to our prayers, but we will also be revealed mysteries that we have no grasp to understand with our own human reasoning. The reason this is significant is because in any relationship anytime you get into secrets that's the point where the relationship has reached a deep and intimate level and trust has been established. In other words, God wants to be so intimate with us that He's willing to tell us His mysteries. Wow!

       So what's holding us back? If you're not spending meaningful time alone with God daily you are missing out on what could potentially be a significant answer to an impossible scenario. You could be robbing yourself of the communication and connection with God you were meant to have from the beginning of time. Don't do that, just call on Him. He will reveal to you His greatness through His answers.

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