Thursday, February 23, 2012


"And having chosen them he called them to him. And having called them, he gave them right standing with himself. And having given them right standing, he gave them his glory." Romans 8:30 (NLT)

      What an amazing scripture! One that settles for us our identity in Christ. If you sat down and really tried to let these words sink in it would tell you the steps God took to elevate you to the level He created us to live in.

        First, He chose us. He could have chosen another species, or created another race of man that would live up to the standards He set from the beginning. Instead He CHOSE to stick with us. Secondly, He gave us right standing with Him. Sin eliminated any chance we had at having right standing with Him, so Christ's death ensured that chance was once again available to all of us. Lastly, He gave us HIS GLORY. If that isn't a cause for you to appreciate how much you are loved by Him I don't know what else is.

        Living below your means is a statement I assign those who don't understand that they have the glory of God in their lives. Living within your means is the understanding that you truly know you have the glory of God within, and your life is a reflection of that. Don't live life below your means, but within your means. Having a full understanding that you are CHOSEN.

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