Monday, February 27, 2012


“Good will come to him who is generous and lends freely, who conducts his affairs with justice.”- Psalm 112:5

Having a generous heart will take you a long way as generosity opens doors that stinginess cannot even touch. If you were in search of an example of generosity look at Jesus. He spent His entire ministry giving without any expectation of return. On two occasions He fed thousands who were following Him using nothing but loaves and fishes. And what about the healings? He passed on that gift to many who were sick and tired of being sick and tired.

The thing about generosity is that it is reciprocal. Good comes to those who are generous. Jesus gave to others and it was returned to Him with souls believing He was truly the son of God. The widow who gave her last batch of oil to the prophet Elijah never realized she'd have lack again in her life but it happened. What is God calling you to be generous with? Your time? Your talent? Your devotion? Some people think that generosity has a financial collar to it. Not always, as you can be generous with a myriad of other things. Find out what God is asking you to be generous with and see your life overflow with good as it flourishes in your life.

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