Wednesday, July 25, 2012


“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”- Romans 15:13 (NIV)

         To have joy and peace is a wonderful thing. If you stop to think about the people around you how many people can you confidently say have joy and peace? Not many for sure. Why? I think the reason is rather simple they are more self-reliant than they are God-reliant. Its only natural as we humans have a natural tendency to be self-sufficient. Its in giving up that self-reliance do we face a great area of uncertainty so much so that after giving it a small try we rush back to our self-sufficiency and sink deeper into less joy and peace. What a crazy cycle.

          To give things up to God requires a tenacious persistence to leave it in His hands. You have to almost will yourself to keep your hands away from what you want to handle so badly. Often times it takes much longer (in your mind) to see results because you're not used to trusting God and so you are flooded with anxiety. But as time goes by and God works on your behalf better than anything you could have ever tried you sit there and think to yourself... "I could have never done that." It is then where you feel that overwhelming sense of peace which leads to joy. 

           What am I saying? Simple. At first trusting God is not easy. It takes a tremendous amount of patience and hope in God. But when God works and you see how awesome that work is, that hope starts to well up inside to the point where it overflows in your life. I'm convinced that in this day God is looking to do something so incredible in our lives that after He's done, nothing can ever pull us away from our trust in Him. Not trials, nor tribulations. I want nothing more than for all of us to get there, but you have to take a step of trust first.

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