Tuesday, July 17, 2012


"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23 (NIV)

        Once sin entered our lives through Adam we took on its appearance and form, and the only way someone could be sanctified before God, something pure had to be offered on their behalf. For example, in the days of Moses, there would be a priest that would enter the tabernacle of God and make a sacrifice on behalf of the people. This however, was not how God intended it to be for He created us to individually have a relationship with Him. Yet the sin we were clothed in prevented us from rightfully having this with God.

        So God set out a plan that would take care of this problem forever, and in the tribunal of heaven He devised a plan that would forever bridge the gap between man and Himself. The righteous sacrifice on our behalf would have to be a man who was wholly unblemished and tainted by sin that would come to this world and die taking on all our sins with Him and forever reconciling man with God. Enter Jesus. And the rest as they say is history.

        Why is this so important? Consider this... if Jesus never came then our condemnation would still justifiably exist. We would not be able to partake in the presence of God individually. I don't know about you but if I had to live a life without God being the epicenter of my life I'd desire death (which by the way is what I deserve). Thankfully, it does not end there and that's why the sacrifice of the cross is so meaningful to mankind because it took us out of the place we belonged and put us into the place God wanted us to be. How truly wonderful is this story, the sacrifice of Jesus for you and me. Wouldn't this be enough to compel others of God's love for mankind? It certainly does for me.

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