Tuesday, April 24, 2012


"The blood shall be for a token or sign to you upon [the doorposts of] the houses where you are, [that] when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt." Exodus 12:13 (AMP)

     Its interesting to note How God worked predominately in the Old Testament, more specifically His usage of signs in revealing them to His people. The signs He showed to others were mainly predicated on His promises to serve as a picture to others His enduring goodness and protection. 

      Think about it, to Noah He gave a rainbow as a sign that He would never destroy the earth again with water. To Abraham He provided pictures of the stars in the sky, by night and sand in the desert during the day as a promise of his legacy. Even to Moses God would provide a myriad of signs with one serving as a could to guide them by day and a pillar of fire to guard them by night. 

       God operated in this way, because He felt it was necessary for us to have something to cling to. Something that would serve as a tangible evidence of hope so that even when trouble would come, we'd be reminded of the eternal faithfulness of God. Enter Jesus, and by His life here on earth we have evidence not only of God's grace for us to live productive and fruitful lives, but His love that has transcended time and space. Each time you see a sign in your life, remind yourself of the ultimate sign of Jesus who died on the cross and rose again for us, so that we can live freely abundant lives.  

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