Wednesday, April 11, 2012


"What God has planned for people who love him is more than eyes have seen or ears have heard. It has never even entered our minds!" 1 Cor 2:9 (CEV)
      I guess incomprehensible would work, or maybe even unfathomable. Either way those words describe of level of depth that is really foreign to man. It's something that cannot be really explained. Which brings me to Isaiah 55:9 which says, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." 
      I mean if we really break it down, how does one who deserves nothing more than death receive life? Or what about the people who live a life of serving other god's can gain full access to the amazing grace that God bestows upon His children. It all defines logic/reason. It's absolutely mind-boggling, but without a doubt it is the most necessary element to mankind. The Savior sacrifice sealed in the entire universe a path that leads to redemption and life that NOTHING can prevent us from gaining access to. 
       As a result of all this was a divine plan for each of us. For who would devote this immeasurable amount of love if He didn't have a use for us? When the enemy, the adversary of our souls whispered to us we were worthless. He died to prove you were worth it! How truly amazing is that? Live a life that honors this sacrifice, that's the only act of service from us that would seem reasonable.

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