Monday, October 3, 2011


"And Moses said to God, [b]Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?...and He said, You shall say this to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you!" Exodus 3:11,14b (Amplified)

          Moses has been stranded in the desert for about 40 years receives the call from God to deliver 3 million people from captivity. I am sure that if we were all in Moses' shoes we'd look at that bush that is speaking to us and say exactly the same thing Moses said. We'd say "I've got no background in public speaking, I stutter a bit, I don't know if I've got any training that would make me suitable for this"... and on and on. Do we think that God doesn't know how inadequate we are when He calls us to do something that is way beyond our level of expertise? He knows, and that's why we are perfect candidates for the call.

           Later on when Moses asks God, "then who do I say sends me?" God replies with an answer that is so ingenious it brings awe to the most accomplished bible scholar. "You shall say... I AM sent me to you." Now some people out there are like what does I AM mean? I heard a preacher break it down like this, and I will use myself as an example; To my mother I am her son, to my uncle, I am is nephew, to my grandparents I am their grandson, to my airmen I was their Captain. Though I am one person to others I am many different things. By God saying I AM, He's saying because I AM God, I AM everything my people need me to be.

            You are in financial difficulty? He is Jehovah Jireh (my provider). You are sick? He is Jehovah Shammah (my healer). You are in a war? He is Jehovah Nissi (my banner). He's saying to Moses, "tell the Israelites that not only has He heard their cry for 400 years, He's going to bring them out of captivity without raising a banner for war. Incredibly enough, people who were impoverished slaves in a foreign land walked out of the most powerful country in the world (at that time) with an over abundance of finances.  "I Am the God of the impossible," He constantly tells us. I wonder why after reading consistently of His vast track record do we doubt? Why do we lose faith in Him after He parted the Red Sea in our life? God is the same yesterday to day and forever more!! (Hebrews 13:8) The I AM that was... still IS.

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