Tuesday, October 4, 2011


"I will guard against the cares and anxieties of the world and distractions of the age, and the pleasure and delight and false glamour and deceitfulness of riches, and the craving passionate desire for other things that creep in a choke and suffocate the Word, causing it to become fruitless." Mark 4:19

     Jesus is relating a parable to his disciples. In this parable he talks about a farmer who scattered seed, and there were several different types of soil in which the farmer scattered the seed; fertile ground, rocky ground, and a road/sidewalk. In each of these types of grounds, the only ground that yielded good fruit was the fertile ground... obviously. But what's interesting here is the deception some have as to what type of soil their lives produce.

      Living a life of excellence requires us to rely fully on God. To disregard the things in this world that many strive to achieve through their own power and ability. God desires to grant us those things and so much more if we only stopped depending on ourselves and devoted to Him the attention He so richly deserves.

      Think about your life and how it equates to the bottom line. Are you making things happen more on your own than trusting in God? If so, you are standing on unfertile ground, and I strongly urge you to take a step back and let Him take a step forward. Only then, will you be the ground that will produce a harvest that exceeds every expectation in your life. In other words, we'd live a life of supernatural influence, and prosperity.

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