Tuesday, March 6, 2012

To Obey

"If they obey and serve Him, they shall spend their days in prosperity and their years in pleasantness and joy." Job 36:11 (AMP)

       God's sole desire since the dawn of creation was always to be obeyed. He gave Adam dominion over everything. He told him you can eat of every tree but only one. It was the very one that Adam would fall to eventually, but God gave him an opportunity to have everything and be blessed with joy if only he would have obeyed.

       Similarly God gave the kingdom of Israel to Saul, He only asked Saul to obey some simple instructions. These instructions Saul willfully disobeyed and God took the kingdom from him. It's interesting how truly important obedience is to God.

       I've seen that those who are obedient to God are truly blessed, because God loves those who are submitted to Him. Obedience is the outward expression of your inward love for God. It doesn't matter how much you say you love Him, but it does matter to Him how you show it. Jesus was obedient to the point of death, and God exalted Him above every other name (Phillippians 2:9). This represents true evidence of how God honors obedience. You should try it.

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