Tuesday, March 20, 2012


"For Adam also and for his wife the Lord God made long coats (tunics) of skins and clothed them." Genesis 3:21 (Amplified)
         This verse holds such significance to life that I couldn't resist using it after I was able to read between the lines. The setting here is man has fallen and is quite ashamed. He has learned to distinguish between good and evil, and knows that he did something very evil that went contrary to the wishes of his Creator. Thus, the Lord handed out punishments to the serpent, the woman, and the man.
         But God showing His nature of love and mercy even in the very beginning sought to cover their shame. Since they were naked (shameful) God took it upon himself to make clothing for them to cover their shame (sin). So what God did was pretty simple... He took an innocent pure third party (in this case an animal) and killed it (as a sacrifice) to clothe the shame (sinful nature) of mankind.
         Fast forward that to now and how that is relevant to us... around 2000 years ago He did the same thing for us using His son as a sacrifice (a innocent third party that was pure) so that our sin and shame could be covered. If God was so willing to do that for us, shouldn't we be so willing to go after Him? The serpent is still out there, but so too is the love and mercy of God that covers our shame (nakedness). Choose to accept that love for your life today.

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