Thursday, March 29, 2012


"His wife said to him, “Are you still trying to maintain your integrity? Curse God and die.” 
But Job replied, “You talk like a foolish woman. Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?” So in all this, Job said nothing wrong." Job 2:9-10 (NLT)

            For those who may not know Job in practical terms he was a multimillionaire who was wildly successful in business and had a sprawling family. God had blessed him prodigiously, yet Satan had a thing for Job whereby he felt that Job was given a pass by God and given too much favor. So God let Satan do his worst to Job and while Job had amazing wisdom and perspective throughout his trial. His wife couldn't withstand the fiery trial they were confronted with. I totally understand her plight as they had 7 children and in one night they all perished, that's enough to crush even the above average woman. 

             Yet, as quick as she was to curse God an accept death... Job wasn't as dismissive. Why? I think it was because Job had an intimate knowledge of who God was. He knew the source of everything he was given, and knew that as quickly as he was willing to receive the abundance God provided so too must he be willing to accept the adversity as well. God knew this of Job, He knew how no matter what Satan would afflict Job with, Job would not sin. Just as He knew that Abraham would kill his only son for God. They KNEW God. 

              Adversities and challenges come to us in many different forms. Our greatest challenges put our true character on display. The bible is filled with men and women who endured challenges of every kind, some failed and others succeeded. The key ingredient to all successes was they all KNEW God and understood that no matter what, He would always come through for them. If we learn to have this perspective in the midst of adversity we will overcome. 

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