Monday, March 19, 2012


"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only son, that whosoever would believe in Him would not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NIV)

     The ultimate love story for God and man. If we trace the steps back to Genesis chapter 3 we find where man lost his way, by violating the only rule God gave him in the garden. As a result, the rift between God and man began with sin keeping both sides apart.

      The only bridge between God and man had to be an innocent pure sacrifice on behalf of man. Since, God's desire from the very beginning was to be close to man this sacrifice had to be initiated by God. He had to offer His very best in order to bring us back to Him, and He did so by giving His only son to us.

       I've heard of great love stories before but they all fall short in comparison to this story. For God so loved us!!! He gave! Love gives! So anyone that believes that love takes doesn't really understand the true meaning of love, nor have they taken notice of the ultimate example given to us. God's love gives...and so too must we if we are to show the true essence of love.

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