Monday, June 11, 2012


"If you'll hold on to me for dear life," says God, "I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me." Psalm 91:14 (MSG)

       If you'll hold on to me for dear life... I envision someone in the middle of the ocean who doesn't know how to swim but is holding on to that life saver for dear life. Why? Because they know that if they let go the life they breathe may be cut severely short.

       God wants us to hold on to Him the very same way. He wants us to hold on so tight we display white knuckles in the process. He promises that no trouble is to big for Him, and that He'll shield you with the best protection and care you could ever imagine... there is only one plea that He extends to us... that we would get to know and trust Him. It's such an easy and sincere plea. If only we would get to know and trust Him.

         How could a God as powerful and dominant over all the earth like our God be so interested in us getting to know Him? I would think we'd be more concerned with Him getting to know us. God has promised us that WHATEVER circumstance in life we face He can beat it. If we only got to know Him and trust Him a little better each day. It's His plea to us... let us all purpose to know and trust Him.

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