Tuesday, June 5, 2012


“Those people who keep their faith until the end will be saved.” Matthew 10:22

    Staying fit spiritually (through praying, fasting, and reading God's word) deepens your relationship with God. Being spiritually fit is also important because this life is a life that will require every ounce of our spiritual strength to make it to the end.

    Years ago I got a scholarship for the ROTC program at my school that prepared me for my military career. I had no idea how to do anything "military" but I needed to learn very soon because the summer was approaching where I would have to go to basic training. Day after day I had to train my mind, and my body to deal with the rigors of constant physical training, mental exercises, and challenging obstacle courses. I remember that I would run outside during the hottest portions of the day because I knew that when I got to Florida from July to August for basic training it would be much worse. I never relented in my training because I knew it would produce in me an endurance factor that would carry me to the end.

     Building up our spiritual endurance factor is even more important. We can't expect to resist the devil's constant attacks or even overcome basic life obstacles if we are not suited for battle. Many people fail to recognize that we're in a major spiritual war, and if we are not prepared for battle daily we will lose. Jesus was very cognizant of the constant battle raging around him and wanted us to be ever alert and always prepared. Ready yourselves for battle, train up your spiritual body to resist the enemy. Then and only then will you be mature and complete lacking nothing (James 1:4).

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