Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Too Much

"Too much activity gives you restless dreams; too many words make you a fool." Eccelesiastes 5:3

       It's easy to give your mind over to restless thinking these days. It's easy to drift into thinking about how the bills are going to get paid, how my house is going to recover its worth, or am I on the path in life I'm supposed to be on.

        In the process of thinking too much words begin to creep in that should have no place in our mouths. Words  like I can't, and it's too hard. Once those words infiltrate our thinking our power is severely diminished.

         Jesus' sacrifice on the cross availed to us a life of tremendous opportunity. A life in which we would be able to share in his power, and in the favor he lived. Jesus told us that when we felt the pressure of life clamping down upon us all we had to do is just give him our burden and He would take care of the rest for us (Matt 11:29-30). It curious how we forget the biggest benefit we have available to us. I pray we'd rely less on our own ability and more on what He's promised for us.

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