Monday, May 7, 2012

The Word

"I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You." Psalm 119:11 (NIV)
          God's word is a shield around us. It's useful in fending off the attacks of the enemy while helping us live the life He has called us to live. God's word is our guide in a world without direction. I find that far too often in my life each time I identify the sin within me, it's because I have neglected the very word that speaks against the thing I did. I have seen more than usual the benefits of coating the word in each and everything we do because it serves a useful purpose in our lives that far exceeds anything else on this earth.
           Consider that the word of God is God's connection to us (outside of prayer). It is the essence of who He is and what He'd like for us to do. Surely He can't make us do it due to free will, but the benefits of following His word leave no doubt that it's the best way to go. If you haven't been into the word as you have in the past I encourage you to pick it up more and read it more. The issues of life that spring from this well are abundant. If you have been reading it continue to do so as I'm sure you are reaping the benefits of what it provides. 

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