Thursday, May 3, 2012


"When you tell God you'll do something, do it—now. God takes no pleasure in foolish gabble. Vow it, then do it. Far better not to vow in the first place than to vow and not pay up." Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 (The Message)

     I remember watching a movie a while back were there was an agent who had lost the majority of his clients except a mid-level client and a really high-profile client. When he goes to visit the family of his high profile client he's still relatively unsure if they would sign with him or not, he finds out that because he made the personal trip to the family's house they opted to sign with him. What struck me was what the father said to the agent as he said, "we decided if you came in person we'd stick with you... now I don't do formal contracts but I give you my word and its stronger than oak." Unfortunately, as the movie progresses the family ends up signing with another agent right before the client was drafted. So much for a word stronger than oak.

       How do people view our word? Do they take it as evidence of who you are and what you represent? Or do they take it at face value and don't put too much stock in it? Be careful with your words because what you say not only represents you but it also represents your Father in Heaven. Be slow to speak and quick to listen. If you make a promise to God or to man be sure you make every attempt possible to keep it. The promise of a word is very significant and owning up to it will not only benefit others, but yourself as well.

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