Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Firmly Planted

"And he shall be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] by the streams of water, ready to bring forth its fruit in its season; its leaf also shall not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper [and come to maturity]." Psalm 1:3 (Amplified)

      Substitute each he in this verse with the word I, and what you have done is you have empowered yourself with the ability of a tree. Now to some a tree isn't a glamorous thing to be. All they do is stand there for centuries and to the naked eye do nothing except shed leaves in the fall, and sway when its windy. Who would want to do that forever...Much less be compared to it?

       The Psalmist however saw trees differently. He saw them as grandiose producers of fruit, that have life sustaining power if they are productive members. (After all, Jesus cursed to death an unproductive tree, so you know already that a tree is a truly significant element in the grand scheme of things) The only way a tree can be truly productive is if it is rooted correctly and positioned to flourish.

        Psalm 1 compares a man who walks righteously as a tree that is productive in every possible fashion. A tree that whatever it does shall prosper. Such a tree can only be rooted in Jesus who is the epicenter of righteousness. I want to be that tree, and I pray each day for God to firmly plant me by the streams of water. For it is there where we will be able to withstand the forces of unrighteousness and be the productive members of Christ's body we were always intended to be. Food...or fruit for thought.

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