Thursday, July 28, 2011

Inner Thoughts Outer Expressions

"You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Good people bring good things out of the good stored up in them, and evil people bring evil things out of the evil stored up in them." Matthew 12:34-35 (NIV)

        I love hanging out with positive people. They provide an energy that is contagious and causes me to want to share that good vibe. Negative people on the other hand, I can't wait to leave their presence because their energy does nothing but drag me down.

         Have you ever considered that perspective is all about the heart? The good person speaks good positive things because those are the things that are stored up deep in their hearts. Conversely, a negative person has a negative self image (Though they will never admit to it), and this negative outlook propels them to not want others to be happy.

           Guard your heart from this. We have no reason to have a negative self image. We have Jesus who makes everything a positive experience. Don't for one moment let anyone steal the positive fruit that lies within you.


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