Friday, July 29, 2011

Ego-Less Endeavors

"He must increase, but I must decrease. [He must grow more prominent; I must grow less so.]" John 3:30 (Amplified)
The disciples of John the Baptist tried to bait him into carrying an offense against Jesus, because they themselves were carrying one. Jesus' disciples were baptizing in close proximity to where John was and his disciples were questioning their motives (as if Jesus was moving in on their turf). John astutely recognized the offense and gave a worthy response to the situation.
Whenever offenses come there will be those who will come to you and try to bring you down with the offense. The best course of action to take during these instances is humility. By humbling ourselves we displace ourselves from emotion and give way to the work of God and not the foothold of the devil. If John would have taken an offense and responded emotionally He would have tainted the message God had destined him to bring and caused division in the ranks of believer. Once Jesus came, John quickly understood that the stage now belonged to Him.
In this life we must stand together with our brothers and sisters in Christ, always giving way for God's movement whether He's using us or someone else. John's actions teach us the power of living a life with a deflated Ego.

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