Monday, July 25, 2011


Jesus responded, "Didn't I tell that you would see God's glory, if you believe?" John 11:40 (NLT)

      At this point in his life Jesus was exasperated and emotionally drained. He had gone through so much, and the death of one of his closest friends brought him to tears. I'd surmise that lots of things troubled him in this particular event, but nothing angered him more than unbelief. Especially from the same people who had seen him make blind people see, and lame people walk among other things. Yet that was exactly where he found himself. Surrounded by people who doubted he could pull this latest miracle off.

       On the flip side, Jesus loves people who believe. Where there is faith he can work in incredible ways, manifesting himself in impossible situations. Moses believed that by raising his staff God could part the Red Sea, and David knew that overwhelming victory was his even as his compatriots shuddered in fear and used a stone and a sling to slay a giant. These and many others have proven that faith in action produces results.

       Joel Osteen is perhaps the most infectious personality of our day when it comes to having faith. Everything he does or says oozes with belief not only that God would make good things come to pass in our lives, but things that are largely unexpected and wholly impossible. He says, "God is about to release His favor in a greater way. Let go of little dreams, little goals, little plans, and EXPECT God's favor and increase." In other words, if you believe you will see God's glory. Don't for one moment minimize the impact of faith and its effect on your life. BELIEVE!


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