Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Of Whom

"The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1 AMP

       People I'm sure have wondered why did David start off with referring to God as light and salvation. I know I have, but as I began to think of it I realized that the answer could possibly be found in one of the very first acts God did on this earth as most of us know that in Genesis 1:3 "...God said, "Let there be light"...."

       God saw that earth was dark and formless and He solved that problem with bringing His presence of light to the earth. David having a full understanding of the character and nature of God saw illumination as a part of His characteristic, so even if David saw darkness invading his personal situation he knew inside his heart there was nothing to fear.

       Similarly, David knew that God over the past 800 years of the existence of the people of Israel countlessly provided protection from the enemy against all odds, becoming a fortress or stronghold for them in the presence of their enemies. And if God doesn't change then, it stands to reason that this same God could be the very same thing for David, then of what should he be afraid of?

        Often times, we want to overcomplicate God when all we have to do is realize there is nothing we should fear or be afraid of because of who God is. Simple as that. He has eon's of data to support His character and it has been remarkably consistent throughout the history of earth. I guess the simple question we have to ask ourselves is of whom should we put our trust in?

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