Tuesday, August 9, 2011


"I'll call nobodies and make them somebodies; I'll call the unloved and make them beloved. In the place where they yelled out, "You're nobody!" they're calling you "God's living children...salvation comes by personal selection. God doesn't count us; he calls us by name. " Romans 9:21-23 (The Message)

      If we were to take a look at how Jesus viewed things in this life I believe it would help us gain a better perspective on things in our lives. For example, in places where his disciples saw lack (feeding the multitude), Jesus saw opportunity and abundance (He fed 4000, and 5000 men on two separate occasions). Where the people saw death (Jairus daughter and Lazarus), Jesus saw life and temporary struggle (He raised them both from the dead). Finally, where there were storms in the middle of the sea Jesus saw an opportunity to catch a quick nap or walk on water. "Peace be still," would be the words he'd use to calm the hurricane-like winds as if it was no big deal.

      What am I getting at? Life is all a matter of perspective. If the perspective is on God, then we are assured perfect peace regardless of what is going on externally (Isaiah 26:3). Conversely, if our perspective is on anything else especially ourselves, then we are destined to face obstacles that would cause us angst. I could cite a myriad of examples to show how pointless it is to focus on anything but Christ but Romans 9 helps me out immensely. We are God's children! There is nothing that entitles us to His protection and love as much as being His. If we as parents would do anything to protect our children and give them the best possible lifestyle how much more would God? Thinking like this would only help our perspective and allow us to focus better on God, and I pray we all do!


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