Wednesday, August 31, 2011


"No word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment." (Luke 1:37 Amplified)

Do we recognize that EVERY word of God has a level of power that is 100% guaranteed. Think about that for a moment. The word of God is so strong that nothing can cause it to be powerless. This should make it even more imperative for us to study it and ingrain this knowledge in our minds and hearts.

God, recognizing the importance of His word is very critical of those who neglect to garner from it the knowledge and power it provides. "Therefore My people go into exile for their lack of knowledge; And their honorable men are famished, And their multitude is parched with thirst." (Isaiah 5:13) Do not be like those who are famished or parched with thirst. Satiate your mind, body, and spirit with His word and there will be extraordinary fulfillment in your life.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


"You, Lord will bless me and all the [uncompromisingly] righteous [all who are upright and in right standing with You]; as with a shield You will surround me with goodwill (pleasure and favor)" Psalm 5:2 (NLT)

        In our walk with God we must understand that our lives are surrounded with favor. If we understood how much favor was surrounding us we'd attempt greater things for God without fear. Unfortunately, many people can't handle that fact or don't believe this simple truth, so they are relegated to a life of fending for themselves and trying to make it on their own.

        This is not God's plan for us. The bible says, "The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to my cry....When I cry for help, the Lord hears, and delivers me our of all my distress and trouble." (Psalm 50:15) You were not meant to carry that burden you bear. And for those who think that being uncompromisingly righteous is difficult, take heart in the fact that through Christ's sacrifice we were all made righteous. (Romans 5:17)

          So what's limiting you in recieving God's favor upon your life? Is it fear? Is it doubt? If so, look at the word of God as the greatest anecdotal recipe to cure the ailment of fear and doubt. Your answers are all there... in black and white... God's favor and protection are there for the only need to believe.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Stand For What You Believe

"But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defense to anyone who asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully." 1 Peter 3:15 (Amplified)

       Nothing bothers me more than people who don't take a stand. People who don't really tell others about how they truly feel, for fear that they will offend others. Or even worse people who when the moment of truth comes for them to stand, they cower and fall.       

       God can't stand these people either. In fact, the church of Laodecia was that way and God told them, "I know your [record of] works and what you are doing; you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of My mouth!" (Revelations 3:15-16) God is serious when it comes to being resolute in what you believe. 

        What do you stand for? Do you rise to show others the Christ in you? Or do you remain silent for fear of offending others? Jesus knew that his message would separate households (Mark 10:28-30) because the truth can at times be controversial because those who love to believe relativity believe a lie (because they believe what they want). The truth is the only way because it will set us all free (John 8:32). Stand up for the Truth!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Don't Worry

"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." Philippians 4:6-7 (The Message)

       Worrying really does nothing beneficial for us. In fact, Mark Twain once said, "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened." Worry is just that. It's the negative expectation of an outcome that has yet to occur. Why do we do that to ourselves? 

         Jesus as part of His greatest sermon addressed the issue of worry by saying, “I tell you this: Do not worry about your life. Do not worry about what you are going to eat and drink. Do not worry about what you are going to wear. Is not life more important than food? Is not the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds in the sky. They do not plant seeds. They do not gather grain. They do not put grain into a building to keep. Yet your Father in heaven feeds them! Are you not more important than the birds?" Matthew 6:25-26 (NLV) 
          Jesus knew that worry and fear are the greatest adversaries of faith and hope. He knew that in order to give increase to faith and hope He needed to show people practical examples of things that don't worry, and How God cares for even the most finite things. Stop and think for a moment of the birds of the air and the flowers of the fields, and those things can't praise Him like we could, so how could He not care for us in greater measure? It's as simplistic as that. Stop your worrying, it leads to nothing productive, but trusting in God does.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


"THE LORD is my Light and my Salvation--whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is the Refuge and Stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?" Psalm 27:1

       There is no question that we live in troubling times. Everywhere you look there are news reels of war, famine, and economic depression. The media is so keen on reporting fear and pestilence that it becomes all we believe.

        King David (the writer of this Psalm) felt hemmed in on every side. His world was falling apart as his father in law (King Saul) was in pursuit to kill him, and for what? David did nothing wrong, all he did was honor the king, yet with his endless supply of resources and troops Saul fiercely went after David.

         In the midst of all this, David remained fearless because He knows that God was his light and salvation. He knows that no man or situation in his life can overcome his God so he remained in steadfast trust in the Almighty. It seems like these days remembering that God is our light and salvation will be the anecdote to the scourge of negativity rampant in this world, and the only element sufficient in being totally fearless.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Your Thoughts

"For as he thinks in his heart, so is he." Proverbs 23:7

       You ever get this feeling of discomfort when you are around a person with a negative attitude? Or much worse, someone who really can't say something nice about anyone and is relegated to speaking ill of others and condemning others? Ever realized why these people are the way they are? The reason actually is kind of simple... They have an unfavorable opinion of themselves. I call this a condemnation mindset, they know in their heart that they are evil and vile and so they want everybody to match their level in order to make themselves feel better. Problem is... they never do actually feel better.

        Jesus was so cognizant of the power of the heart and its control over the mind that He constantly told His disciples to guard their hearts. In Luke 21:34-35 He says, “Watch out! Don’t let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware, like a trap. For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth." 

         If you are consumed with worry, then your heart is overburdened with distrust. If you lack compassion, then your heart is filled with condemnation. It stands to reason that Solomon absolutely was on to something when he linked the heart and the mind. Be on guard over your heart, for with your thoughts you can either bless or curse... I pray you choose to bless.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


"Who stood up for me against the wicked? Who took my side against evil workers? If God hadn't been there for me, I never would have made it. The minute I said, "I'm slipping, I'm falling," your love, God, took hold and held me fast. When I was upset and beside myself, you calmed me down and cheered me up." Psalm 96:16-19 (The Message)

     If we knew how much God loved us we'd be embolden to do greater things in this world, because fear wouldn't prevent us from launching into the unknown. I wish I always remembered this, but sadly there are times my humanity forgets and I start taking on more challenges than I'm capable of handling.

      Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." His call to us is rather simple and yet so inviting. 

       In order to live the most fulfilling life we must first learn to give Him all our burdens. This will be the catalyst in enabling us to live unafraid, because we are supremely confident in His ability to handle everything for us (even the unknown), and most importantly give us rest in the process.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Real Life

"I am the Gate. Anyone who goes through me will be cared for—will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of." John 10:9-10 (The Message)

        Jesus is speaking to a crowd not totally sure of who He really was, I mean, they know He's different and they attribute excellence to His teachings. They also reason to themselves that no one before Him has been able to accomplish the incredible miracles He's been able to do, but they are still not sold. They still have a little more to grasp, so with a full understanding of His audience Jesus lowers the boom, and gives them a revelation of Him that would totally blow their minds.

        I would guess that a majority of the listeners in the crowd had a grasp for the agrarian lifestyle and how shepherds took care of their flock letting them graze and literally live without a care in the world. Jesus likens that life to what He offers those who enter "the Gate," namely safety and security beyond measure. More Importantly, He offers protection from the thief that only wants to come in and steal, kill, and destroy. What a masterful way to put in simple terms the offer of eternal life and salvation.

        As I look at this passage, I see that this message though intended for a particular audience in His day still is relevant to this generation. How many people out there would pay insane amounts of money for the safety and security Jesus offers us for free? It is our responsibility as believers to relay this message to them. Make it plain and simple like Jesus did to the audience He spoke to that day so that they could have real and eternal life, far greater than they ever dreamed of. The world awaits... are we ready to share this "real life" with them? I certainly hope so.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Opposite Life

"I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest. Anyone who loves his life loses it, but anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal. [Whoever has no love for, no concern for, no regard for his life here on earth, but despises it, preserves his life forever and ever.]" John 12:24-25 (Amplified)
         What an oxymoron the Christian life is sometimes, huh? To lead you must serve. To receive abundantly you must give abundantly, and on and on. The one that really gets people though is the simple fact that in order to live you must die. Now we all know that we don't refer to the literal death (although in some cases when someone is a martyr for Christ their influence carries life for many others) rather it is the death of your own desires, and to assume the life of God's desires for us.
          It's not an easy death by any means. I mean we want what we want. But Jesus puts value in our death. By using the parable of a grain of wheat He establishes in our hear that a result of our willful submitted death, we can produce a harvest (Not just any harvest buy a rich one at that). What should amaze us even more is that He just didn't tell us this command without establishing His example first. When He tells His Father, "Take this cup from me," (Mark 14:36) we are well aware that His fleshly desire didn't want to succumb to death, but He saw the life it would have brought to the world and said, "Not my will but yours be done."
           We can impact the world through our willful submission in ways we can't even fathom. But with every great achievement comes an even greater cost. When we say to God, "Not my will but yours be done..." you put yourself in rarified air because submission to the point of death (of your inner desires), it maybe the single hardest thing any one is asked to do, but Jesus did it and we have the power to do it as well. Choose to live the life you were meant to live!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


“This is what the LORD says, he who made the earth, the LORD who formed it and established it—the LORD is his name: 'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”-Jeremiah 33:2-3

      Man... how terrible does desperation feel. When it seems like the answers to life's many problems are few, and at times the intense pressure of life is so great that its hard to even breathe. What do we do? We can't come up with the answer because we don't have it, we were never meant to have it, it was all leading us to one pray.

       When you pray you release a part of you that you weren't meant to hold on to. Paul a man whose life was filled with moments of desperation cited this to describe his reaction to moments of anguish. "But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

        Power in weakness? Boast in weakness? Delight in weakness, insults, hardships, persecutions difficulties? Strength? This certainly isn't a solution the world would suggest we choose, but it is the best solution available to all.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

You're Special

"How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!" Psalm 139:17

         It's amazing when I sit back and think how much God loves us. When we are weak, He gives us strength (2 Corinthians 12:10). When we have a need He provides everything we need (Philippians 4:19). Even when we are sick, He took our pain for us (Isaiah 53:5). But above all He shows His love for us in greatest measure by dying for us (John 3:16).

          If you ever wonder how he feels about you just sit back and think of how much He loves you... and soon all your worries anxieties and fears should dissipate, because to Him you're special enough to die for!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Divine Sympathy

"For because He Himself [in His humanity] has suffered in being tempted (tested and tried), He is able [immediately] [c]to run to the cry of (assist, relieve) those who are being tempted and tested and tried [and who therefore are being exposed to suffering]." Hebrews 2:18 (Amplified)

          Isaiah 53:3 prophesied that Jesus was going to be "a man of sorrows acquainted with grief." He was always going to be the one that knew how we felt because it was His destiny to come to the earth to experience everything we would ever go through.

          The writer of Hebrews was focused on portraying that message to those who were still struggling to grasp the message of Christ. They (the Hebrews) couldn't understand or accept that the Jesus that came was the promised one that the prophets all prophesied about. Yet there was a generation of Hebews curious in finding out to this man's claim to divinity, thus this book was written primarily for their sake and subsequently ours.

           I know for a fact that people have a hard time accepting Christianity because they see the idea as far fetched. They see Christ as this Holy being up in Heaven far away from our troubles our pain and our sorrows. What they fail to realize is that Jesus was tired, hungry, and sorrowful as well. He clothed himself with humanity so that we could come to Him for anything and that He might help us all.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Our Help

"God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble." Psalm 46:1 (NLT)

      God waits for us? In a figurative sense, He sits beside the phone and waits for us to call. I wonder if we are aware of this? If so, why don't we take advantage as often as we should? People certainly love to call for help when trouble abounds, and sometimes that's the best way God can truly get your attention. However, we are to consistently be in communication with God (1 Thess 5:17). 

       Stop and think for a moment... the creator of the universe is waiting to give you His undivided attention. How truly magnificent is that? Isn't that enough incentive to get on your knees and communicate your deepest desires to Him.

      Talk to Him! Let Him know what you need, and how you can be useful in helping others. Then and only then can you truly see Him as the place you go for shelter when your world is falling apart. He's promised to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5). Take Him at His word.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pray in Faith

"I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you've received it, it will be yours." Mark 11:24 (NLT)

         These words were words written in red, so these words carry a little bit greater weight because Christ spoke them. In his effort to establish a proper mindset to his disciples he told them this so that they would be bold enough to understand in the effort to do whatever needs to be done for God all the tools they would ever need would be provided by God. So they didn't have to worry about the tools or the finances, or even the power to get things done. All they would have to do is name it, believe for it, and it was going to happen.

          Oh if we had this mindset today, imagine the things in this world we'd be able to do. Jesus raised dead men, He made blind people see, He restored lives with the supernatural power that flowed through Him all because He prayed for anything and believed for it. Now consider Jesus' promise to us in John 14:12, "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father." If that isn't a cause to Pray in Faith I don't know what is.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him. 1 John 4:16 (Amplified)

     Without a doubt the most powerful gift we can give to anyone is love. It is the quintessential force that can break down any barrier of hate, and darkness in this world. By the love we show we are recognized immediately as children of God, because God is love. "Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love." 1 John 4:8 (NIV)

      The world we live in today suffers from a lack of love, or rather they love the wrong things, namely themselves. Love is the most selfless act there is, but it is also the most rewarding of gifts. Live to inspire love in others, live a life of love that shows this world that God lives on the very inside of you. I know that there will be those who will take that act of love and cherish it, because I know this world is desperately in search of something real and the love of God is as real as it gets.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

United We Stand

"Stand united, singular in vision, contending for people's trust in the Message, the good news. not flinching or dodging the slightest before opposition. You're courage and unity will show then what they're up against. defeat for them, victory for you-and both because of God." Philippians 1:27b-28 (The Message)

       We live in a day and age where we are divided in many ways. Red and Blue. Black or White. Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, and on and on. It seems like there are more things that separate us than unite us, and if we think hard enough about it there's a reason for it. If we are divided then we cannot make a meaningful difference in the world, so the enemy's cause is to divide our focus and our cause so that we cannot come together and stand as one, as Jesus stated in Mark 3:25, "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

         So we face a conundrum. What can unite us? The answer, if there is a cause to stand for and a message that could bring us together its the good news of Jesus Christ. Think about the non-violent movement propagated by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He urged his community to stand together believing in the Message of Christ's love, proclaiming that freedom was a just cause but violence was not. What did this movement end up establishing? A better prospect of hope for their future, and people began to see that love conquers hate.

         In order for us to be the force we need to be in this world, we must buy into the message of Christ and stand together in love. Dr. King would end up saying,"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it."No wonder his legacy still is strong today, He promoted the message of love and united his community towards that end. What could we do if we stood for the same cause of love? The sky is the limit. Let the world see that united we stand in love!


Tuesday, August 9, 2011


"I'll call nobodies and make them somebodies; I'll call the unloved and make them beloved. In the place where they yelled out, "You're nobody!" they're calling you "God's living children...salvation comes by personal selection. God doesn't count us; he calls us by name. " Romans 9:21-23 (The Message)

      If we were to take a look at how Jesus viewed things in this life I believe it would help us gain a better perspective on things in our lives. For example, in places where his disciples saw lack (feeding the multitude), Jesus saw opportunity and abundance (He fed 4000, and 5000 men on two separate occasions). Where the people saw death (Jairus daughter and Lazarus), Jesus saw life and temporary struggle (He raised them both from the dead). Finally, where there were storms in the middle of the sea Jesus saw an opportunity to catch a quick nap or walk on water. "Peace be still," would be the words he'd use to calm the hurricane-like winds as if it was no big deal.

      What am I getting at? Life is all a matter of perspective. If the perspective is on God, then we are assured perfect peace regardless of what is going on externally (Isaiah 26:3). Conversely, if our perspective is on anything else especially ourselves, then we are destined to face obstacles that would cause us angst. I could cite a myriad of examples to show how pointless it is to focus on anything but Christ but Romans 9 helps me out immensely. We are God's children! There is nothing that entitles us to His protection and love as much as being His. If we as parents would do anything to protect our children and give them the best possible lifestyle how much more would God? Thinking like this would only help our perspective and allow us to focus better on God, and I pray we all do!


Monday, August 8, 2011

Equipped For Success

"May he (God) equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All Glory to him forever and ever! Amen" Hebrews 13:21

      The bible is filled with promises of God that are geared specifically to equip us with a mindset of victory. Then why is is that many people still don't believe for their own victory? The answer is squarely centered in what they trust. If they trust in themselves, then they will only receive what limitations their bodies and minds can produce. However, If they trust in God and His limitless ability and power then there truly is no limit to what can be done or achieved.

       Life is chock full of challenges and adversity, but Jesus paid a very steep price for us so that we would not have to go at it alone. We need to tap into the power he's made available for us, and use it to not only fulfill His will for our lives, but help others in the process. Hebrews 3:14 states, "For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ." In essence, If our focus is in His power and ability we will share in the power that Christ used to overcome every obstacle He faced. Trust in God for He desires to equip you for success.


Friday, August 5, 2011


"You have allowed me to suffer much hardship but you will restore me to life again and lift me up from the depths of the earth." Psalm 71:20 (NLT)

        Sometimes God allows the pain and hardship of life to affect us. The reason is because He yearns to show us the power He has over the most difficult of circumstances we may confront, to show us His true power in light of our most challenging obstacles.

       The Psalmist wrote this passage with a heavy heart, but he implicitly understood that his deliverance was at hand, that God was going restore him once again. The lesson here is simple. When it seems like we have suffered or endured too long, our deliverance is close at hand. In fact, it may be closer than we even think. Have faith and make it through for God is with you.


Thursday, August 4, 2011


"The Lord's eye is upon me because I fear Him [I revere and worship Him with awe], I wait for Him and hope in His mercy and loving-kindness." Psalm 33:18 (Amplified)

       We are never in a place too far from the reach of God. It doesn't matter where we've gone or what we've done, He is always with us. Sure there may be times we can't hear or feel Him like we want to, but there is no doubt that the hope for all mankind is perpetually with us.

       Trials are sure to come. We shouldn't view adversity as a negative thing, but something that serves as a catalyst to develop our spiritual strength and to increase our faith and dependence on God. Keep in mind the largest component of our faith is hope.

        Most importantly, we cannot grow weary in our hope for when we do the bright light of faith begins to flicker. The greatest enemy of hope is doubt, and doubt is introduced when we give it access to our thoughts. I pray that each of us has the ability to rise up and overcome doubt and believe what God tells us He's going to do if we stay focused on Him. It's the only way to overcome any obstacle.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Heavenly Mandate

"Have not I commanded you? Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (Amplified)
Makes me wonder how many people really buy into this line of thinking, especially in these times? Joshua was really delving into the unknown. A man who was a faithful lieutenant of Moses for years, now is thrust into a position as Captain over the millions of Israeli refugees looking for a home. A daunting task at best. God's pep talk to Joshua didn't pull any punches but reminded him (Joshua) of the word of God. (as an aside, I was thinking of how curious it is when you go back to the word you will find the answer to all your problems. Very Interesting indeed, but I digress)
God didn't tell him to be tepid and afraid... No. He told him to be strong, vigorous, and courageous. Strong, because he will need to have a thick skin to deal with wishy washy people. Vigorous, because there will be tasks ahead that will require him to not relent. Courageous, because there will be times where the impossible (in our mind) will surface and he will need to have the courage to persist in trusting God. All these characteristics would be powerful assets if and only if He understood that the Lord was with Him. Just as He was with Moses.
You know come to think of it, God's exhortation hasn't changed a bit. The promises in His word are still true even for us today, and the challenges that we meet, though they may not have the scope of Joshua's challenges, their solutions are still the same. God is telling you today you need to be strong, vigorous, and courageous, but don't for one second hold back or be in despair...because He is with you. What amazing comfort that truth provides.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


"Say to those with fearful hearts, "Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you." Isaiah 35:4 (NLT)

     The greatest obstacle to progress is fear. Fear of the unknown cripples us from fulfilling our destiny in life. It also, prevents us from living a life of faith, because fear is self-centered and not God-centered.

      When these fearful moments start to grip us we must remind ourselves in whom we have believed (God). Start to think about all the obstacles you have already overcome and how in the end it all worked out, because once you gave up control God took over and brought out the best outcome possible.

       The road to your deliverance may not be laced with rose petals and dandelions, but be sure that every adversity you face along the way conspires together for your benefit. Romans 8:28 states, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." So do not fear, instead trust that God is coming to take care of you wherever you may find yourself, and most importantly keep moving forward.


Monday, August 1, 2011


" I tried to relieve your fears: "Don't be terrified of them. God, your God, is leading the way; he's fighting for you. You saw with your own eyes what he did for you in Egypt; you saw what he did in the wilderness, how God, your God, carried you as a father carries his child, carried you the whole way until you arrived here. But now that you're here, you won't trust God, your God—this same God who goes ahead of you in your travels to scout out a place to pitch camp, a fire by night and a cloud by day to show you the way to go." Deuteronomy 1:29 (The Message)

       The people of Israel had been delivered from 400 years of oppression and slavery. They had witnessed a sea part in two to make a path for them while a cloud held their enemy at bay until they all safely crossed to the other side. Daily God provided them food from heaven to satisfy their hunger as well as fresh water to quench their thirst.
        Yet something happened to the first generation of people that cost them the ultimate prize and reward they left Egypt for. They forgot what God had done for them and focused instead on the obstacles ahead. "The Giants in the promised land would eat us alive,"...."We had it better in Egypt than here," (re: Numbers 13 and 14) and on and on the complaints went not stopping here on earth but reaching heaven to the same ears that years earlier had heard their plea for help.
         Let this story serves as a lesson to all of us. Don't let complacency kill where God intends to take you. Don't forget the places where God delivered you from. If you do, don't for one moment be surprised when you get shut out of the promised land. God has earned our trust through the years (Remember where you once were?), the least we can do is let Him lead us to a better place.