Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Continuously Perfected

"The Lord will perfect that which concerns me..." Psalm 138:8a (NKJV)

       This particular passage of scripture really grips my consciousness. For one I'm amazed at how good God is to me sometimes. Sure I know I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus and all that but sometimes just reflecting on His love for me in spite of me is enough to leave me...well...speechless.

        I suppose the biggest reason why I'm gripped by this passage is the simple usage of the word perfect. Put in a different context, this Psalm speaks about what God will do (future) in spite of what is happening (present).

         I imagine David writing this with a bit of distress upon his life. After all, he tips his hand in v.7 by saying, "Though I walk in the midst of trouble." I guess the juxtaposition of what he is enduring to what he has endured is really shaping what he believes will happen next to him. For if God did not abandon him in his past why would he do so in his future?

          Many of us have to see God in the same way. Enough with us allowing our present challenge dictate what we believe for our future. If we are in Christ and we have seen the exploits of God in our past...then why can't we believe that He will perfect or in other translations "complete" our future. Trust can be the issue, but if God has the track record then why is it so difficult for some to continue to trust Him?

         I think the warring factions of doubt and faith have a lot to do with that. But like David I want to remind myself of the past victories God has accomplished for me to enhance my faith in spite of the doubt that wants to overcome me. This I believe will cause me to trust fully that He will perfect everything that concerns me.


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