Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I know

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

        This is a very well known scripture in Christian circles because lots of people love to hold on to its promise. They love what it says about their future and the hope that comes with it all. But what about those times where you take the future in your own hands? When you decide you know what's best for you and proceed to do it. Then when all of your options have failed you turn back to Him for help. What happens then?

         Recently, I faced such a situation. A place where I felt I needed to handle some business and take matters into my own hands. I prayed to God for assistance in the matter but I didn't allow Him to work the matter for me because I felt I could handle it (How audacious of me). I came to realize my efforts to save myself were consistently adding to my detriment. The more I worked on the matter the worse it became. And yet I kept praying for God to help me and it seemed like He was not.

          Later on the thought had occurred to me, that He was allowing me to go on my own because He doesn't want to mix oil and water (my way and effort with His power). Suppose for a moment He "helped" me, and I got what I needed to get out of this situation. While I may have given Him part of the credit, the majority of the credit I would have given to myself (after all that is human nature). You have to understand, "He shares His glory with no man," (Isaiah 42:8) so why would I think He'd ever contribute to my failed effort? Yet here in the key scripture lies the true answer to my dilemma. Two simple words often overlooked in Jeremiah 29:11 that revolutionize the way you we should look for answers. "I know."

         The words "I know" give us every indication that we need to stop where we are and let the one who has intimate knowledge of the path lead the way. It may be hard to comprehend or recognize because it take a great measure of faith to allow Him to work, but consider how great you will feel when you release the burden of trying to figure it out. I think it's as simple as taking Him at His word. If He says He knows... and what He knows will lead to good and not disaster. In my feeble, mind I think that's good enough to at least give it a try. Don't you?

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