Friday, August 17, 2012


"God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible...for every living thing that moves on the Earth."

     The other day I was reading a book and the author directed me to this passage. What astounded me is that I have read this passage numerous times in my life and yet I simply glossed over this life changing word that was always right under my nose. Prosper.

      This word has become somewhat of a buzz word in Christian circles. You have some circles that embrace it wholeheartedly, while others aren't quite sure of it and really have trouble defining it. Whatever the school of thought, I am firmly convinced that God's desire for us is to live in prosperity. If He didn't intend for us to live that way then why would it be the very first thing He commands us to do? If that weren't enough, why would He add multiplication to the process? Or even establishing dominion?

      I wish that we would all understand the significance of this passage and what it means for us. It means that we don't have to accept living in lack. We don't have to just get by. We don't have to let the world influence us. We need to ask God for His will to be done, and that will is for us to prosper in every single facet of life. Claim and believe that for yourself. It will go a long way in fulfilling God's desire for you.

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