Friday, August 24, 2012

I don't know, but I know

“Stay here with the donkey,” Abraham told the servants. “The boy and I will travel a little farther. We will worship there, and then we will come right back.” Genesis 22:5 (NLT)

       I can't even imagine what was going through Abraham's mind at this point. Its amazing to even fathom the gigantic steps he took in this endeavor. God asked Abraham to take his only son (foreshadowing) to the mountain as a sacrifice. Abraham is well past 100 at this time and he's waited all his life to have a boy like Isaac, and now God is asking for him. I'm sure Abraham's brain was fried.

       What really sticks out to me is what he tells his servants as he and the boy make the venture to the mountain. People say that Abraham had incredible faith and there is no doubt, but I believe that he tells this servant these words almost to even convince himself that He and Isaac will return. As if to say, "I don't know (how) but I know we will return."

         There are times in our lives God is asking the same of us. To do something that seemingly runs counter to every fiber of our being. That we can't possibly fathom how anything good will result from this. We have to be resolute like Abraham knowing that if God brought us to it He most certainly will bring us through it. Where we say, "I don't know, but I know."

Friday, August 17, 2012


"God blessed them: "Prosper! Reproduce! Fill Earth! Take charge! Be responsible...for every living thing that moves on the Earth."

     The other day I was reading a book and the author directed me to this passage. What astounded me is that I have read this passage numerous times in my life and yet I simply glossed over this life changing word that was always right under my nose. Prosper.

      This word has become somewhat of a buzz word in Christian circles. You have some circles that embrace it wholeheartedly, while others aren't quite sure of it and really have trouble defining it. Whatever the school of thought, I am firmly convinced that God's desire for us is to live in prosperity. If He didn't intend for us to live that way then why would it be the very first thing He commands us to do? If that weren't enough, why would He add multiplication to the process? Or even establishing dominion?

      I wish that we would all understand the significance of this passage and what it means for us. It means that we don't have to accept living in lack. We don't have to just get by. We don't have to let the world influence us. We need to ask God for His will to be done, and that will is for us to prosper in every single facet of life. Claim and believe that for yourself. It will go a long way in fulfilling God's desire for you.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Shall Not mentality

"The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack." Psalm 23:1 (AMP)

      I've read this scripture many times in my life, and I'm amazed at the very fact that I never really noticed the "shall not" part of it. I'm sure I've read it before but those two words jumped out at me, as I thought about this passage this morning. Why?

     It's simple really, I understood this passage before as God's responsibility more than my own. What I mean is that because God was my Shepherd the burden of provision was more on Him than on me. Then I realized that "shall not" has more to do with MY MINDSET, than His action (Because God operates on faith). David, in one of his hallmark Psalms says in so many words: I SHALL NOT to let my circumstances take away my focus, I SHALL NOT let my mind wander into thinking that I will lack, and because of that I SHALL NOT believe in God for anything less than being my Shepherd.

     His choice to believe in God in His wilderness told me everything I needed to know about His resolve. He didn't focus on being displaced from his home in the middle of the desert, he saw that God was preparing a table for Him (v.5). I realized that it's all about what you see and how you see it that will determine whether you live in lack or in prosperity. Choose to adopt the "SHALL NOT" mentality, and you will be right in the end!

Monday, August 13, 2012


"He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is firmly fixed, trusting (leaning on and being confident) in the Lord. His heart is established and steady, he will not be afraid while he waits to see his desire established upon his adversaries.He has distributed freely [he has given to the poor and needy]; his righteousness (uprightness and right standing with God) endures forever; his horn shall be exalted in honor." Psalm 112:7-9 (AMP)

        What a beautiful depiction of the life of a righteous person. Many people would wrestle with this being them or not, fact is, the bible says that "we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus." (Phil 3:9)
           The Psalmist in this passage has a true understanding of what it means to live where you are confident in whom He made us to be. Our focus should never be on our economic situation, sickness, death, or anything meant to bring us fear. 

           Our mindset should be to see past these obstacles trusting in God, and living as though He will come through for us. If He's never left you before what makes you think He'll leave you now? It's just not going to happen. Look to his character and commit your ways to Him. It is in these moment where you will have the freedom to live generously and have that generosity come back to your life in unprecedented ways.